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Pricing of a structured product on the SX5E when the
uncertainty of returns is modeled as a log-stable process
Valuación de un producto
estructurado de compra sobre el SX5E cuando la incertidumbre de los
rendimientos está modelada con procesos log-estables
José Antonio Climent
Carolina Cruz Matú2
1 Universidad Autónoma
Metropolitana, Mexico
2 Grupo Bolsa Mexicana de
Valores, Mexico
Corresponding Author: José Antonio Climent
Hernández, email:
This work presents the
participation factor and the valuation of a first-generation structured product
with European call options on the Eurostoxx, when the
uncertainty of the yields is modeled through log-stable processes. The basic
statistics of the index yields are also exposed, the α-stable parameters
are estimated, and the valuation of the of the structured models is compared
through the log-stable and log-Gaussian models using inputs from the bond
markets; concluding that investors obtain higher yields than those of the bond
market through both models, and that the differences of the yields depend on
the participation factor and on the value of the index at the time of
Keywords: Bonds, Valuation of options, Structured
products, α-Stable distributions.
JEL classification: G11, G12, G13, D81, C46.
Se presenta el factor de participación y la valuación de un producto
estructurado de primera generación con opciones europeas de compra sobre el
Eurostoxx cuando la incertidumbre de los rendimientos está modelada a través
procesos log-estables, se presentan los estadísticos básicos de los
rendimientos del índice, se estiman los parámetros α -estables y se
compara la valuación de los productos estructurados a través de los modelos
log-estable y log-gaussiano utilizando insumos de los mercados de deuda
concluyendo que los inversionistas obtienen rendimientos superiores a los de
los mercados de deuda a través de ambos modelos y que las diferencias de los
rendimientos dependen del factor de participación y del valor del índice en la
fecha de liquidación.
Palabras clave; Bonos, Valuación de opciones, Productos
estructurados, Distribuciones α-estables.
Códigos JEL: G11, G12, G13, D81, C46.
Received: 06/08/2015
Accepted: 26/05/2016
Financial markets have
evolved due to information technologies, global competence, and financial
engineering, which has innovated the design of products to satisfy the coverage
needs of investors and issuers. Structured products have been successful
because they provide the possibility of investments with higher yields than
those of debt securities when the interest rates are in decline. Structured
products are combinations of debt securities and derived products, and are
issued by institutions with an elevated credit quality and a low credit risk.
They are attractive for investors due to the expected yields, the credit
quality, the flexibility of the maturity structure, the design of the
issuances, the use of assets, the access to global
markets that are otherwise inaccessible, and the capacity for efficient risk
management. The Bank of Mexico, the National Banking and Securities Commission
(CNBV, for its acronym in Spanish), and the National Retirement Savings System
(CONSAR, for its acronym in Spanish) are responsible for the regulation of the
structured products in Mexico.
McCann and Cilia (1994) analyze the yields of structured
products, concluding that they are superior to those of the market when the
yields are on a decline. Lamothe Fernández
and Pérez Somalo (2003) analyze the importance
of structuring. Gómez Almaraz (2007) indicates that structure products
allow investment companies, insurance companies, banks, and pension funds to
obtain higher yields than those of the bond markets through the expectations
and eventualities of the markets. Venegas-Martínez (2008) analyzes the valuation of the main
structured notes. Castillo Miranda
(2008) indicates the basic functioning of the structured products. Blümke (2009) encourages the use of
structured products as investment instruments. Mascareñas (2010) shows that the issuers
of structured products especially acquire the implicit risks, given that they
transfer or share them through coverages using derived products. This allows
designing products that satisfy the needs of investors who are exposed to
credit risk and depend on the credit quality of the issuers. Ortiz-Ramírez, Venegas-Martínez, and López-Herrera
(2011) indicate that the valuation of the structured products has a complexity
that requires understanding the behavior of the market, knowing specialized
theories, and having sophisticated knowledge to determine the prices of
structured products which are complex in their design. Wallmeier (2011) indicates that there is
concern because the complexity and diversity of the structured products are
accompanied by low transparency; in practice, the information provided to the
investors focuses on the payment diagrams. Therefore, it is important to
improve the information and the understanding of the investors. The structured
products are issued by banks, and are negotiated in an organized exchanged or
with the issuing bank, who cites offer and demand prices during the validity of
the product. The issuers design attractive structured products that have
risk-yield profiles that are not easy to replicate by traditional financial
instruments, and which provide access to types of assets to which the investors
do not have direct access. The investors have difficulty in understanding the
characteristics of complex products, and the assessment of just prices is not
always available to the public. The empirical studies on the valuation of
structured products in the primary market find premiums of 2–6% higher than the
theoretical values, the surcharges are more pronounced in emerging markets and
are positively related with the complexity of the products. The information
suffers because it is focused on the payment profile and not on the probability
of the payment profile. The preferences of the investors are characterized by
the yield distribution moments: expected yield, volatility, asymmetry, and
kurtosis. The yield distribution for structured products of guaranteed capital
proposes low volatility, positive asymmetry, and average kurtosis. It concludes
that structured products need to be analyzed as a diversified portfolio, and
the risk-yield needs to be based on a market balance analysis because the asymmetry
and kurtosis characteristics of the yield distribution can be included in the
risk premiums. Cao and Rieger (2013) show that, theoretically, the
expected yield of the structured products is unlimited, whereas the restriction
to estimate the maximum expected loss through the risk value (VaR, for its acronym in Spanish) could be met. They
indicate that structured products are a type of financial products that combine
financial instruments such as assets and derivatives to achieve specific
investment purposes. Guaranteed capital structured products allow investors to
participate in the potential benefits of the underlying price, while being
protected against potential losses; these products can be created combining a
call option and a fixed interest investment. Since the 2008 financial crisis
and the payment default of structured products, the understanding of the risk
is a crucial factor and a complicated task for investors because knowledge on
payment structure is insufficient, and knowledge of the estimation of risks is
even more so. In order to attract investors, issuers design structured products
that maximize the expected yield and satisfy the VaR
restriction, thus reaching any yield profile. They define a risk-yield measure
that depends on the gains, losses, and the market parameters in such a way that
the risk depends only on the product losses; it is strictly monotonous
regarding the losses, it is strictly monotonous regarding the gains, and for a
level of risk, the yield is limited, thus it does not allow the investors to
only search for a yield with a level of risk and to be deceived. The measure is
applied on guaranteed capital structured products, and the risk and yield
profiles change when the level of guarantee changes: the lower level of
guaranteed capital, the higher the level of risk and a greater measure of yield
is obtained. It is concluded that the risk could be “swept under the rug” and
structured products can be designed with high expected yields, while investors
that follow a strategy to maximize the yields with a given level of risk are
deceived to take greater risks. Climent-Hernández and Venegas-Martínez (2013) present a range of α-stable distributions to model financial and economic series. They
analyze the orthogonal log-stable model for the valuation of European options,
and estimate the distribution parameters of the yields of the peso-dollar
exchange through the following models: maximum verisimilitude, tabulation per quantiles
of the α-stable distributions, and
regression on the characteristic function of the sample. Furthermore, the
authors carry out a qualitative analysis to demonstrate the quality of fit of
the distribution, and a quantitative analysis to choose the best fit for the
distribution. They compare the log-stable model with the log-Gaussian model and
a price vector from MexDer. They also show that the
log-stable model presents advantages over the log-Gaussian model in the
quantification of risk factors such as kurtosis and asymmetry, adequately
modeling the dynamic of the yields that present clusters of elevated volatility
and extreme events that have a financial and economic impact of amounts above
what is indicated by the log-Gaussian distribution. The authors present a
comparative analysis assessing European options through the log-stable and
log-Gaussian models, showing the differences in the prices of the contingent
payments; however, the differences between the log-stable and log-Gaussian
valuations are reversed due to a technical error in Eqs.
(27) and (28). Therefore, the log-stable valuation is lower for the valuation
of options in a close interval to in the money, and
higher when the valuation is out of the money.
and Venegas-Martínez (2014) develop an investment
strategy with a portfolio of structured notes that guarantee a predictable cash
flow upon maturity, and a structured note that begins its validity at the
maturity of the portfolio, offering the possibility of obtaining a greater
yield than the market with a low level of risk. The authors indicate that in
the structured notes markets, investors are averse to risk and take advantage
of opportunities with lower risk and a greater yield with guaranteed initial
capital or at least a proportional part. They define a structured product as a
portfolio with a fixed or variable debt instrument and derived products, which
in some cases are options, and state that the most used and negotiated are the
structured notes with debt securities and derived products where the options
are European, standard, or exotic. They conclude that risk management is
growing more complex and requires strategies that allow investors to satisfy
their needs for guarantee on investment and greater yields. To reduce the risk
of an investment, it is possible to develop strategies by combining both
traditional financial products and derived products into a single product. Hens and Rieger (2014) demonstrate that for
rational investors with correct and constant risk aversion beliefs, the gains
of the structured products over a portfolio with risk-free asset and the market
portfolio are lower than the market rates; the result is equal if the investors
continuously operate the risk-free asset and the market portfolio without cost
or if they purchase the assets and keep them until the maturity of the
structured product. Considering the prospective theory, or investors with
erroneous beliefs, the gains of the payments can be considerable. The authors
also indicate that structured products include financial derivatives and the
payment at maturity depends on one or more assets. These products are issued by
banks and are directed to retail investors. The optimal structured product is
calculated and it is evaluated if there is a significant increase in the
utility. It is concluded that the increase in the utility of the better
structured products is of 10 base points, and said increase is small compared
to the 200 base points paid by structured products over a risk-free asset and
the market portfolio, without considering compensation for the counterpart risk
of the investor. There is no evidence that the Neumann–Morgenstern's expected
utility model can explain the demand, but the utilities of the prospective
theory with non-rational beliefs could be greater. Ilin, Koposov,
and Levina (2014) propose using structured products
as an investment portfolio management strategy combining options, assets, bonds
and swaps. The authors develop a model that allows outlining the strategy to
build and manage the portfolio with a regulated level of risk. Furthermore,
they indicate that the structured products offer exposure to markets with
different characteristics and structures that provide precision to the
investors for specific investment strategies, they can combine characteristics
from the capital market (possibility of unlimited gains), bond market (fixed
income) or bank deposits (limited risk); this allows establishing the risk and
the yield is lower than that of the underlying investment. The buyers are
private investors and investment funds. The market of structured products
increases during the growth of volatility. The structured products are directed
to maximize the value of the assets of the investors, the benefits are
comprised by the yields of the risk-free assets and the yields of the options;
if the options are not exercised, the value of the
assets is reduced. The risk-free interest rate must be the minimum limit of the
yield. The disadvantages are: First, the investment strategy cannot be planned
in full, that is, there is a risk of making erroneous decisions; second, a
significant part of the assets must be invested in risk-free instruments with
low returns; they are a progressive approach to the management of capital. The
authors conclude that the issuers take advantage of the campaign promotion
opportunities to offer unusual investments. Schroff, Meyer, and Burghof
(2015) study the impact of the demand for information by the investors
regarding the negotiation of investment issued by banks using structured
products that are designed for retail investors. They indicate that the demand
for information positively predicts the speculative negotiation activity.
Furthermore, they find a positive relation between the demand for information
of the market and speculation when investing. The demand for information does
not encourage investors to take long or short stands, which entails a low
efficiency. The authors indicate that the hypothesis that the financial markets
are informative efficient rests on the assumption that the prices immediately
answer to the information; however, the incorporation of information to the prices
requires the investors to have access to all the information and to pay
attention to said information for it to be considered in the decision-making
process. When retail investors are interested in investing on a company, it is
likely that they obtain information through search engines; institutional
investors are more prone to using sources of information from financial data
providers such as Bloomberg. The structured products market can be divided into
long-term investments with conservative payment characteristics and speculative
investments designed for short-term strategies. The design allows the investors
to obtain benefits from the increase or drop in the underlying prices.
Investment structured products are for long-term investment strategies and are
used by retail investors in saving plans. The authors conclude that there is a
positive effect in the demand for information in speculative negotiation and
that there is no relation in the long-term investment activity, therefore, the
information efficiency of the structured products market is limited.
objective is to evaluate a structured product that includes a bond and a
European call option on the Eurostoxx. The proposal
is to use the options valuation theory and, given that the yields present
leptokurtosis and asymmetry, it is suggested that the valuation of the options
is done using the model presented in the research by Climent-Hernández and
Venegas-Martínez (2013) , innovating in the
valuation of first-generation guaranteed capital structured products. This
innovation is done using log-stable distributions to adequately model the
dynamic of the yields (leptokurtosis, asymmetry, fluctuations distant from the
mode or extreme values, property of stability, or persistence) with clusters of
elevated volatility. It considers improbable extreme events in the context of
the Gaussian distribution that have superior frequencies and a financial and
economic impact of greater amounts in the markets, which allows comparing the
valuation of the structured products through the log-stable and log-Gaussian
models, as is the limit case of the log-stable model when α = 2. Thus, the log-stable applications are
broader than the log-Gaussian application.
work is organized as follows: In Section ‘The purchase structured product’, the
guaranteed capital structured product referenced in index SX5E, the calculation
of the capital invested in the bond, and the calculation of the participation
factor for call options on the index are described; Section ‘Valuation of the
purchase structured product’ shows the valuation of the bond using an
instantaneous interest rate equivalent to the simple interest rate and the
valuation of the log-Gaussian and log-stable options; Section ‘Analysis of the Eurostoxx yields’ presents the analysis of the index
yields, the estimation of the basic statistics, the estimation of the α-stable parameters, the goodness of fit tests, the index performance,
and the performance of the volatilities; Section ‘Valuation of the structured
call product on the Eurostoxx’ presents the
estimation of the implicit scale parameter, the performance of the volatilities
and historical scales, the performance of the log-Gaussian and log-stable
options, the performance of the bond, the calculation for the monetization of
the options, and the performance of the log-Gaussian and log-stable products;
Section ‘Conclusions’ presents the conclusions of the research paper, and the
bibliography is presented at the end.
The purchase structured product
The structured product
object of this study is a portfolio comprised by a bond and the long position
of European call options on the SX5E index, issued on September 4th, 2014, with
a maturity of August 28th, 2017 (fixing date), and with a liquidation date of
August 31st, 2017 (validity period of 1092 days for the maturity of the bond).
The guaranteed capital structured product is known as the purchased structured
banking bond without loss of capital at maturity. And, indexed to the Eurostoxx, it has a refundable percentage of the initial
amount at 100% maturity, in pesos, when there is a drop in the SX5E index; that
is, it has a maximum loss of 0%. The structured product must invest in the bond
in the following quantity:
where B T is the nominal value of
the bond, T is the maturity time of the bond, τ=T−t is the remaining time of the bond, and i is the instantaneous interest rate equivalent to the
simple interest rate i s ; so that i=365τ ln1+isτ360 is the applied rate in the structuring. The remaining capital for
the long option in European call options on the Eurostoxx
thus, the participation factor is obtained through the
where c (0, M 0 ) is the European call
option value on the Eurostoxx on the date of
guaranteed capital call note protects the nominal value of the investment
one-hundred percent; so, the future yield is at risk, since the worst-case
scenario has a null value for the payoff of the option, whereas the payoff of
the bond is B T . Thus, the investor at
least receives the invested capital plus the interests; if Eurostoxx
increases its value, the payment of the option increases the value of the call
note. The call note c(t,Mt,Bt)
on an option issued on Eurostoxx is a debt instrument
with an implicit yield variable (zero coupon) equivalent to the bond market
value (fixed income), which is paid off in a single payment, in pesos, at the
maturity of the structured product plus the yield value (variable income) of
the participation factor of the c(t,Mt) option. The
payoff for this last option is also made in a single payment, in pesos, at the
maturity of the structured product. The objectives of the investors in this
case are to speculate, while taking advantage of the expectations for the rise
of Eurostoxx, obtaining a coverage for existing risks
in the investment portfolio or obtaining an investment in a market to which
they do not have direct access. The structured call note on Eurostoxx
is of first-generation given that the options are not exotic, there is only one
yield rate, the maturity date for the bond coincides with the payoff date of
the options, and the yield rate is the LIBOR-EURO rate because the options on
the index are issued by a European institution and the investor is the issuer
that monetizes, in pesos, the gains for the options. This structured product is
successful due to the understanding of it by investors and issuers, where the
investors wait for the index value to increase and the issuers must transfer
the price risk through derived products. In September 2014, the amount in pesos
of the call notes increased to 35.3465% of the negotiated amount, taking first
Valuation of
the purchase structured product
The call note on Eurostoxx
is a portfolio comprised by a bond and the participation factor in European
call options on Eurostoxx, thus, it is necessary to
appraise the bond and the options with market inputs. The price providers in
charge of giving certainty to the market calculate the theoretical value of the
European options on the index, the theoretical price of the bond, and publish
the theoretical value of the structured product. The evidence that the
underlying yields present leptokurtosis and asymmetry as observed in the works
of Dostoglou and Rachev (1999), Čížek, Härdle, and Weron (2005) , and Climent-Hernández and Venegas-Martínez (2013) lead to the proposal that the valuation of
the options should be carried out through the model suggested in the research
work of Climent-Hernández and
Venegas-Martínez (2013) using log-stable distributions that
adequately model the leptokurtosis, asymmetry, fluctuations distant from the
mode (extreme values), and the stability property (persistence) of the yields.
This is because they are an effective alternative to modeling financial and
economic series with clusters of elevated volatility, extreme values with
frequencies superior to the log-Gaussian distribution, and which have a
financial and economic impact of greater amounts. Furthermore, they satisfy the
central limit theorem because the yields are within the attraction domain of a
log-stable law in which the log-Gaussian distribution is the limit case of the
log-stable model when α=2,
and it has been shown that it is not efficient to adequately model the
leptokurtosis, asymmetry, the events distant to the localization parameter, and
the stability property observed in the yields of the financial and economic
series. On the other hand, the log-stable yields satisfy the stability property
that allows modeling the empirical series by optimizing the performance of the
system, thus, the applications of the log-stable distributions are broader than
the applications of the log-Gaussian distribution that consider extreme and
improbable high impact events that are more frequent for the α-stable distributions. This allows
comparing the valuation of the structured products through the log-stable and
log-Gaussian models. The valuation of the bond is done with the following
where the instance t∈[0,T]. The valuation of
the European call options is done using the log-Gaussian model:
Using the assumption that the yields have
a log-Gaussian distribution where M t is the index value, S is the payoff price (3172.63 points), r is the rate of dividends of the index,
and σ is
the volatility of the index yields. The valuation of the call options is done
using the log-stable model:
Using the model proposed by Climent-Hernández and Venegas-Martínez (2013) where β is the asymmetry parameter, γ is the scale parameter, and α is the stability parameter of the α-stable distributions.
Analysis of
the Eurostoxx yields
The SX5E is the underlying asset used in
this research, which is a stock index comprised of the fifty most liquid assets
in the Euro zone. The performance of the Eurostoxx
during the period of January 4th, 2010, to September 3rd, 2014, is shown in Fig.
Fig. 1 shows the performance of Eurostoxx up to the immediate business day prior to the
issuance of the structured banking call bond without loss of capital at
maturity and referenced to Eurostoxx with 1201
observations that present a minimum of 1995.01 and a maximum of 3314.80 points.
Estimation of the
basic statistics of the Eurostoxx yields
The period utilized to estimate the α -stable distribution parameters of the Eurostoxx yields is January 4th, 2010, to September 3rd,
2014, a period which comprises 1201 observations for the index and 1200
observations for the logarithmic yields. The daily yields for
Eurostoxx are shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 shows the performance of the daily Eurostoxx yields that present a minimum of −6.3182 and a
maximum of 9.8466%. The performance of annual historical volatilities of Eurostoxx is shown in Fig.
Fig. 3 shows the performance of the annual
historical volatilities which present a minimum of 1.08% and a maximum of
34.51%. The annual historical volatilities present a declining tendency since
December 11, 2011, and up to the business day prior to the issuance of the
structured product. The estimation of the basic statistics of the daily Eurostoxx yields is shown in Table
In Table
1 ,
the average indicates that the Eurostoxx yields are
observable. The positive asymmetry coefficient indicates that the yields have a
distribution that extends toward positive values with greater frequency than
they do toward the negative values. The Kurtosis coefficient indicates that
distribution of the yields is leptokurtic with regard to the Gaussian
distribution. Therefore, the Eurostoxx yields have an
asymmetric and leptokurtic distribution.
of the α -stable parameters
of the Eurostoxx yields
The characteristics of the Eurostoxx yields indicate that the distribution is
asymmetric and leptokurtic. In order to model the yields, the α -stable parameters are estimated using
the maximum verisimilitude estimation method, which are the values that
maximize the verisimilitude function & # 8 4 6 7 ; & # 4 0 ; & # 9
4 5 ; & # 4 4 ; & # 9 4 6 ; & # 4 4 ; & # 9 4 7 ; & # 4 4 ;
& # 9 4 8 ; X 1 & # 4 4 ; & # 8 2 3 0 ; & # 4 4 ; X n
)=∑k=1nlog(Xkα,β,γ,δ) and which is the most asymptotically
efficient estimator. This estimator is given by the Fisher information matrix;
and the density function can be expressed in terms of Meijer G functions, a representation that is not
practical in evaluating α -stable
density functions according to the research by Nolan
(2001). The
estimation of α
-stable parameters at 95% confidence is shown in Table
The stability and asymmetry parameters of
the Eurostoxx yields presented in Table
2 are
consistent with the results of the research by Dostoglou and Rachev
(1999), Čížek et al. (2005) , Scalas and Kim (2006), Contreras
Piedragil and Venegas-Martínez
(2011) , and
Climent-Hernández and
Venegas-Martínez (2013) . The stability parameter with a 95%
confidence interval is between the values of 1.6087≤α≤1.7803 and indicates that the
distribution of the yields is leptokurtic; the asymmetry parameter with a 95%
confidence interval is between the values of −0.4056≤β≤0.0642 and indicates that the
distribution extends toward the left extreme with greater frequency than toward
the right extreme. These results indicate that the Eurostoxx
yields show negative leptokurtosis and asymmetry.
goodness of fit test
The quantitative analysis to prove the
null hypothesis H 0
which indicates that the Eurostoxx yields show an α-stable distribution against the
alternative hypothesis H 1
which states that the yields do not show an α-stable distribution, is done using the
Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic shown in Table
Based on Table
3 and
with significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1%, we conclude that the null
hypothesis indicating that the Eurostoxx yields
present a Gaussian distribution must be rejected, and the null hypothesis
indicating that the Eurostoxx yields present an α-stable distribution must not be rejected.
goodness of fit test
Another test for the null hypothesis H 0 which
states that the yields present an α-stable distribution against the
alternative hypothesis H 1
which indicates that the yields do not present an α-stable distribution is done using the
Anderson–Darling goodness of fit statistic shown in Table
Based on the results shown in Table
4 and
with significance levels of 10%, 5% and 1%, we conclude that the null
hypothesis indicating that the Eurostoxx yields present
a Gaussian distribution must be rejected; and the null hypothesis indicating
that the Eurostoxx yields present a standard α-stable distribution fX(x,1.6945,−0.1707) in a fractional probability space must not
be rejected. The log-Gaussian distribution and the log-stable distributions
with α=1.6945
and the three asymmetry parameters are shown in Fig.
Fig. 4 shows the standard log-Gaussian
distribution fX(x,2) with the sky-blue line; the
standard log-stable distribution fX(x,1.694,−0.406)
with the discontinuous red line shows negative asymmetry, indicating that the
mode is located to the right of the mean, mode and median of the log-Gaussian
distribution; the standard log-stable distribution fX(x,1.694,−0.171)
with the navy blue line shows negative asymmetry, indicating that the mode is
located to the right of the mean, mode and median of the log-Gaussian and the
standard log-stable distribution fX(x,1.694,0.064)
with the dotted green line showing positive asymmetry, indicating that the mode
is located to the left of the mean, mode and median of the log-Gaussian
distribution (origin). The log-Gaussian distribution indicates that events
close to the origin occur with lower frequency than with the Eurostoxx yields, therefore, it can be observed that the
log-Gaussian distribution overestimates low financial and economic impact
events when −1.53<x<1.03 and underestimates high financial and economic
impact events such as significant gains or losses when x≤−1.53 and when x≥1.03,
respectively, for the fX(x,1.694,−0.406)
distribution; it also overestimates low financial and economic impact events
when −1.41<x<1.17 and underestimates high financial and economic impact
events such as significant gains or losses when x≤−1.41 and when x≥1.18,
respectively, for the distribution function fX(x,1.694,−0.171).
Furthermore, it overestimates low financial and economic impact events when
−1.24<x<1.33 and underestimates high financial and economic impact events
such as significant gains or losses when x≤−1.24 and when x≥1.33, respectively,
for the distribution function fX(x,1.694,0.064).
The log-Gaussian distribution and the log-stable distributions with the three
stability parameters are shown in Fig.
Fig. 5 shows that the log-Gaussian distribution
also overestimates low financial and economic impact events for the following
distributions: fX(x,1.609)
discontinuous red line; fX(x,1.694) navy blue line;
and fX(x,1.780) discontinuous green line. It also
underestimates high financial and economic impact events for the following
distributions: fX(x,1.609) discontinuous red line; fX(x,1.694) navy blue line; and fX(x,1.780)
discontinuous green line, where the lowest overestimation is for distribution fX(x,1.609,−0.406) and the highest overestimation is for fX(x,1.780,−0.406), the lowest underestimation is for fX(x,1.780,−0.406) and the highest underestimation is for fX(x,1.609,−0.406). Therefore, we can conclude that
leptokurtosis and the bias of the distribution of the Eurostoxx
yields provokes that lower financial and economic impact events are
overestimated by the log-Gaussian distribution, while the greater financial and
economic impact events are underestimated by the log-Gaussian distribution,
benefitting the issuers and affecting the investors when the payoff is at an
interval close to the market price at the time of negotiation. The performance
of the Eurostoxx during the validity period
(09-04-2014 to 05-04-2015) of the structured product is shown in Fig.
Fig. 6 shows the performance of the Eurostoxx (navy blue line) during the valuation period with
170 observations that present a minimum of 2874.65 points and a maximum of
3828.78 points, the gains are shown due to the value of the SX5E index,
beginning on January 16th, 2015, and reaching a maximum on April 13th, 2015.
The guaranteed capital structured product has a value referenced to the Eurostoxx that grants gains to the investors when the index
goes above the payoff price S = 3172.63 points (discontinuous red line)
and has a guaranteed value that reaches $100.00 (one hundred pesos 00/100 MXN).
The state of the results for the structured product presents a behavior similar
to the long position of a European call option on the Eurostoxx
equivalent to a strategy in which the investors speculate on the score of the
index waiting for it to surpass 3172.63 points on the date of maturity,
generating gains for the investors. On the other hand, when the Eurostoxx does not surpass the 3172.63 points on the date
of maturity, the investors receive the nominal value of the banking bond for
the amount of one hundred pesos. The state of the results of the purchase
strategy is shown in Fig. 7.
Fig. 7 shows that the gains of the guaranteed
capital structured products come from the Eurostoxx value
and when this surpasses 3172.63 points on the date of maturity, the gains
increase proportionally to the increase of the index. The discontinuous red
line represents the intrinsic value of the call options, which is the maximum
value of the difference of the market price and the payoff price, or it is
The navy-blue line represents the gain of
the log-stable structured product considering the participation factor F 0 and
the monetization of the options, which is one hundred times the maximum value
of the quotient of the value of the options on the Eurostoxx
at the date of maturity and the payoff price or zero:
where the value of the options on the date of maturity is:
and represents the additional gains for the investment in
the log-stable options. The sky-blue line represents the gain of the
log-Gaussian structured product, considering the participation factor and the
monetization of the log-Gaussian option. As can be observed, the utilities on
the date of maturity of the log-stable structured product are superior to the
log-Gaussian when the index value surpasses the payoff price at maturity. This
is due to the participation factor which, in the log-stable case, includes in
the portfolio structure 15 options, and only one option in the log-Gaussian
portfolio – promoting the gains of the log-stable portfolio through the payment
at maturity of the option. The comparison of annual historical and implicit
volatilities during the valuation period is shown in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 shows the comparison of the annual historical
(sky-blue line) and implicit (navy blue line) volatilities during the valuation
period. The implicit volatilities present a minimum of 18.8544% and a maximum
of 25.9993% with a differential of 715 percentage points, while the historical
volatilities present a minimum of 25.8675% and a maximum of 26.2418% with a
differential of 38 percentage points. It can be observed that April 15th (2015)
is the only day in which the implicit volatility is greater than the
historical, which means that the European call options on the Eurostoxx are undervalued except on April 15, 2015, because
the implicit volatility is used in the valuation.
Valuation of the
structured call product on the Eurostoxx
The valuation of the structured product
depends on inputs such as the Eurostoxx, the implicit
volatility on the options on the Eurostoxx, the
LIBOR-EURO interest rate, the interest rate of the index dividends, the payoff
price, the time remaining for the valuation of the European call options
through the log-Gaussian model, and the zero-coupon rate for the valuation of
the bond. There is no implicit scale parameter available for the log-stable
model; therefore, it is proposed to carry out the calculation using the
following theoretical relation:
where σ is the annual implicit
Using Eq. (9) , the annual implicit scales are
calculated for the valuation of the European call options of the log-stable
model using the same endogenous factors: the index, the LIBOR-EURO interest
rate, the index dividends rate, and the same exogeneous
factors: the payoff price and the remaining time, and also the same zero-coupon
rate for the valuation of the bond. The comparison of the yearly scales during
the valuation period is shown in Fig.
Fig. 9 shows the comparison of historical
volatilities (discontinuous sky-blue line), implicit volatilities (navy blue
line), implicit scales (red line), and historical scales (dotted purple line).
Implicit scales present a minimum of 12.8685% and a maximum of 17.7450% with a
differential of 488 percentage points. On the other hand, historical scales
present a minimum of 25.1359% and a maximum of 26.0497% with a differential of
92 percentage points. It can be observed that the implicit scales are always
lower than the historical scales. The limits for the
valuation of European options are:
The prices of the call options must be
positive and must be greater than the difference between the present value of
the price underlying the rate of index dividends and the present value of the
payoff price to the domestic rate, and they must be lower than the price of the
underlying asset to avoid arbitrage opportunities. The valuation of the
European call options through the log-Gaussian and log-stable models is shown
in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10 shows the valuations of the European call
options using the log-Gaussian model (sky-blue line), the valuations of the
European call options using the log-stable model (navy blue line), and the
lower limits for the valuations of the European call options (discontinuous red
line). The log-Gaussian valuations present a minimum of $154.5342 and a maximum
of $736.8478 with a differential of $582.3136, whereas the log-stable
valuations present a minimum of $0.00 and a maximum of $395.1987 with a
differential of $395.1987. The minimum difference between the valuations of the
utilized models during the valuation period was of $154.5342 on October 16th,
2014, and the maximum difference was of $402.6041 on April 17th, 2015. It can
be observed that the log-Gaussian valuations are greater than the log-stable
valuations, confirming that the log-Gaussian model overestimates the low
financial and economic impact events. The log-stable valuations approximate the
log-Gaussian valuations when the Eurostoxx increases
or decreases and the other factors remain constant, the maximum difference is
of $482.9548 and it becomes present when the index reaches 4180 points — when
increasing or decreasing, the difference is decreasing. The valuation of the
bond is shown in Fig. 11.
Fig. 11 shows the valuations of the bond with
regard to the structure of the zero-coupon interest rates. The valuations
present a minimum of $87.2236 and a maximum of $90.6480 with a differential of
$3.4244. In the prospect of the structured banking bond referenced to the SX5E
index it is indicated that the following amount is the payment, in pesos:
where the product of one-hundred times the participation
factor and the maximum value of the quotient divided by the valuation of the
option on the Eurostoxx and the payoff price or zero
is the monetization of the options and represents the additional gains, in pesos,
that the investors could obtain with the structured product. On the date of
issue, the bond has a value of $88.4874, the remaining capital for the long
position in European call options on the Eurostoxx is
of $11.5126, therefore, the participation factor for the log-Gaussian model is
of only one option, because the price of the European option is of $328.9045,
the monetization is of $10.3669, and the issuer obtains a commission of $1.1457
for each structured model for an issue price of $100.00. The participation
factor for the log-stable model is of 15 options due to the price of the
options rising to $20.9925, the monetization is of $0.6617, and the issuer
receives a commission of $1.5875 for each structured product for an issue price
of $100.00. The valuations of the structured products through the log-Gaussian
and log-stable models are shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 12 shows the valuations of the guaranteed
capital structured product using the log-Gaussian model (sky-blue line), the
valuations of the structured product using the log-stable model (navy blue
line), and the market prices (dotted red line), which are similar to the
log-Gaussian valuations. The log-Gaussian valuations present a minimum of
$93.3655 and a maximum of $113.7071 with a differential of $20.3416, whereas
the log-stable valuations present a minimum of $87.2237 and a maximum of
$277.1856 with a differential of $189.9619, and the market prices present a
minimum of $94.1255 and a maximum of $112.8350 with a differential of $18.7095.
The log-Gaussian valuations are greater than the log-stable valuations until
January 20th, 2015. From January 21st, 2015, the log-stable valuations are
superior to the log-Gaussian, confirming that the log-Gaussian model
overestimates low financial and economic impact events and underestimates high
financial and economic impact events. The log-stable valuations more adequately
quantify the market risk, and the gains are reflected when the index value
increases and the valuation of the log-stable options also increase.
Furthermore, the participation factor multiplies the gains of the structured
note. The log-stable model allows for greater commissions for each structured
product for the issuers, and allows obtaining greater gains for the investors.
The valuations of the structured products of the log-Gaussian model and the
market price are shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13 shows the log-Gaussian structured product
values (sky-blue line) and the market prices (dotted red line). The maximum
difference of the log-Gaussian structured product and the market price is of
$3.1012 presented on March 16th, 2015, representing a difference of 2.9221%,
and the minimum is of $0.0089 presented on December 18th, 2014, representing a
difference of 0.0089%. It can be observed that on the most recent dates, the
market value is lower than the theoretical price of the log-Gaussian model,
which decreases the gains of the investors. The prices of the options in
accordance with the underlying asset and of the stability parameter are shown
in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14 shows the prices of the log-Gaussian
option (sky-blue line) and the prices of the log-stable options in accordance
with the value of the underlying asset (including the minimum 2874 points and
the maximum 3828 points during the valuation period), of the stability
parameter (navy blue line 1.6945, discontinuous and dotted purple line 1.6,
discontinuous red line 1.8, dotted yellow line 1.9, and discontinuous green
line 1.95), without considering the lower limit in the value of the options. On
the valuation date, the index showed a value of 3277.25 points; the theoretical
value of the log-Gaussian option, and the theoretical values of the log-stable
options, which are in the money , were positive at $328.9045 and $20.9925,
respectively. It can be observed that the valuation of the log-Gaussian option
overestimates the valuations of the log-stable options with different stability
parameters. Additionally, the participation factor of the log-stable model is
superior to the factor of the log-Gaussian model, multiplying by 15 times the
gains of the log-stable investors for the estimated distribution fX(x,1.6945,−0.1707) when the
index surpassed 3245 points on January 21st, 2015. Therefore, the participation
factor is the multiplier that allows the log-stable investors to obtain greater
gains when the index increases its value, given that it multiplies the gains by
the payment of the options in the money, and if the options out of the money do
not obtain gains, then the investors only receive the nominal value of the bond
on the date of maturity. It can also be observed that the log-stable prices are
lower to the log-Gaussian prices that are in a position close to the options in the money . This behavior is explained by the
log-Gaussian density function presenting a greater probability mass on values
adjacent to the payoff, and the log-stable density functions present a
probability mass on the extremes of the distribution. Furthermore, given that
most of the options are valuated with payoff prices adjacent to the forward
price or future pricing of the underlying asset as a fair price considering the
market inputs on the date of negotiation, the options are thus valuated in an
adjacent interval when they are in the money, a little out of the money or a
little in the money, but not too out of the money or
too in the money , which is when the log-stable options
increase their value and could gain lower participation factors than the
log-Gaussian options.
The market price of the guaranteed capital
structured product is similar to the theoretical price. However, the market
price is not available to the general public, and because of this, the
characteristics of the product are described, and the market inputs are used
for the valuation, innovating by modeling the kurtosis and asymmetry through
the log-stable distributions, which none of the cited works has done as they
have used the log-Gaussian distribution. The attractiveness of the structured
guaranteed capital note is that the payment diagram indicates that the yield
expected by the investors can theoretically be unlimited. For this reason, a
confidence interval is calculated for the Eurostoxx
The underlying price on the date of
issuance is M0=3277.25, the annual historical scale parameter is γ=0.25470617, and the distribution of the Eurostoxx yields is Z∼S1(1.6945,−0.1707). Using Eq. (12) , the 95% confidence interval is
calculated for the 170 business days in which the structured product has been
valuated, this being 1556.93≤MT≤6297.03, including the confidence interval when
Z∼S1(2) which is 2318.08≤MT≤4662.78. The index
values prior to the valuation date are of 1995.01 as a minimum and 3828.78 as a
maximum, period during which no high financial or economic impact events were
observed. The confidence interval indicates that the value of the index tends
to drop with greater frequency than to increase, and this is unknown by the
investors. The 95% confidence interval during the validity period of the
structured product for the underlying price on the date of maturity is of
1556.93≤MT≤6297.03, including the confidence interval when Z∼S1(2), which is 2169.73≤MT≤4995.23. The
probability of obtaining gains on the date of maturity is calculated as
The probabilities according to the index
value are shown in Fig. 15.
Fig. 15 shows the probabilities that variable Z (index value) surpasses the value
indicated in the horizontal axis on the date of maturity and how it can be
observed that the log-Gaussian probabilities (sky-blue line) are superior to
the log-stable probabilities (navy blue line) until the index value surpasses
the 3390 points and both probabilities are in decline; that is, the
probabilities of obtaining greater gains are monotonous decreasing. For
example, the probability that the log-stable options are in the money is
47.69%, and the probability that log-Gaussian options are in the money is
49.60% when the index value surpasses the 3172.63 points; whereas the
probabilities that the index value surpasses 4000 points are 34.45% and 30.03%
for the log-stable and log-Gaussian options, respectively. The logarithm of the
underlying yield frequency is shown in Fig.
Fig. 16 shows that the estimation of the yields
is more adequate using the log-stable distribution (navy blue line), given that
it more adequately models the kurtosis and asymmetry of the observed yields
(black points) compared to the log-Gaussian distribution (sky-blue line).
Therefore, the log-stable model better quantifies the loss and gain frequencies
of low financial and economic impact by the investment in Eurostoxx,
the options on Eurostoxx, and the guaranteed capital
structured products valuated in this work when compared to the log-Gaussian
Financial markets are not complete because
perfect coverage does not exist, and in incomplete markets it is not possible
to transfer risks in full. Assuming that the markets are complete, there is an
unreal vision of the neutral measure of the risk when valuating options.
Incomplete markets are more efficient because the risk coverages can be
quantified to minimize risks; the lack of completeness of the financial markets
is caused by the commercialization levels in relation to the risks that need to
be covered, by the ignorance of the appropriate model to model the yields and,
mainly, by the discontinuities of the prices. The equivalent Martingale of the
incomplete markets allow valuating options in different manners, and these
probabilities must be interpreted as the value that the investors bet on the
event. The stability parameter provides information on the behavior of the
process; when α
approximates to two, the process shows a large quantity of fluctuations of low
financial impact (yields close to zero) between the high financial impact jumps
(yields that generate moderate losses or gains). When α approximates to the unit (Lévy process), the prices of the options change due to the
jumps that generate high losses or gains, and the presence of stability periods
between the jumps. This can be observed in Figs.
1–6 ,
which are more adequately captured by the log-stable processes given that they
capture the low financial impact fluctuations through the Wiener process and
the high financial impact jumps that generate losses or gains through the
Poisson process. The log-stable processes model the yields more adequately than
the log-Gaussian process because the latter is a particular case (symmetric) of
the log-stable processes, which capture the kurtosis and asymmetry of the
market yields as can be observed in Figs.
4, 5, 15 and 16 .
Furthermore, they satisfy the properties that the options values with positive
payments (in the money) must be positive, therefore, the call options with null
payments ( out of the money ) must be less valuable than the call
options in the money, as can be observed in Fig.
14 ,
being possible to have negative values that would provide arbitrage
opportunities. The qualitative tests that show that the log-stable processes
surpass the log-Gaussian process can be observed in Fig.
16 ,
and the quantitative tests are confirmed in Tables
2–4 .
Thus, the valuation of the log-stable contingent claims quantifies more
adequately the market risk (price risk), which is an important characteristic
in financial mathematics so that the prices of the options are fairer for the
issuers and the investors (holders). This would in turn allow financial
engineering to be more efficient in the valuation process, providing the
issuers and investors with more adequate tools that adhere to reality in order
to generate investment instruments that adapt to the needs and realities of the
The valuations of the log-Gaussian options
are greater than the log-stable valuations, confirming that the log-Gaussian
model overestimates the low financial impact events using the same endogenous
and exogenous factors available. The log-stable valuations approximate the
log-Gaussian valuations when the Eurostoxx increases
or decreases, while the inputs remain constant, indicating that the log-stable
contingent payments are better quantified than the log-Gaussian contingent
payments because the latter underestimate the high financial impact events,
which translate into significant gains or losses that are not adequately
considered by the log-Gaussian insurances and that are quantitatively sustained
by the goodness of fit statistics.
The comparisons of the log-stable and
log-Gaussian structured products show that the log-Gaussian valuations are
greater than the log-stable valuations, provided that the index value is less
than 3269.18 points. When the index value surpasses 3269.18 points, the
log-stable valuations are superior to the log-Gaussian valuations, confirming
the overestimation of low financial impact events when the index is close to
the payoff price and to the underestimation of high financial impact events
that generate greater gains for the log-stable investors, because they quantify
the price risk more adequately. The gains occur when the index surpasses
3269.18 points and the log-stable valuations increases with regard to the
log-Gaussian. The log-stable participation factor enhances gains because it
includes 15 options that multiply the payment on the payoff date, whereas the
log-Gaussian participation factor includes a single option for the same
payment. The log-stable model grants bigger commissions to the issuers for each
structured product and grants greater gains to the investors due to the
difference in the participation factor and the fact that it depends on the
adequate valuation of the options at the time of negotiation.
The valuation of structured products
depends on the correct quantification of the price risk. The log-stable
processes have shown to be superior to the log-Gaussian process in adequately
modeling the kurtosis and asymmetry, enabling the valuation of the options to
be carried out more closely tied to reality with the available inputs. The
estimation of the distribution of the yields and the quantitative validation allow
observing that the log-Gaussian process overestimates the events that do not
generate significant losses or gains, and underestimates the events that
generate significant losses or gains and those found at the extremes of the
distribution. Using the stability parameter, the log-stable processes more
adequately capture the events distant to the mode to better valuate the
significant losses or gains and; whereas, using the asymmetry parameter, the
options in the money show superior valuations to the options out of the money.
A different type of structured products on
forward or future contracts, swaps, or options on other underlying assets with
other characteristics could be evaluated in future research, creating another
type of coverage through log-stable distributions.
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CONTADURÍA Y ADMINISTRACIÓN, año 70, 2025, es una publicación trimestral editada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México, a través de la División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración - UNAM, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México., Tel. (55) 56 22 84 57 y (55) 56 22 84 58 Ext. 144,, correo electrónico:, Editor responsable: Mtro. José Alberto García Narváez, Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2016-071316434900-203, otorgada por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, ISSN 2448-8410, Responsable de la última actualización de este Número, División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración-UNAM, Mtro. José Alberto García Narváez, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Cd., Mx., fecha de última modificación, 13 de enero de 2025.
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