Paper Research
effects of the asymmetry and persistence of the prediction of volatility:
Evidence for the equity markets of Latin America
Los efectos de largo plazo de la asimetría y persistencia
en la predicción de la volatilidad: evidencia para mercados accionarios de
América Latina
Raúl de Jesús Gutiérrez1
Edgar Ortiz Calisto2
Oswaldo García Salgado1
1 Universidad
Autónoma del Estado de México, México
2 Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México, México
article proposes an extension to the CGARCH model in order to capture the
characteristics of short-run and long-run asymmetry and persistence, and
examine their effects in modeling and forecasting the conditional volatility of
the stock markets from the region of Latin America during the period from 2
January 1992 to 31 December 2014. In the sample analysis, the estimation
results of the CGARCH-class model family reveal the presence of short-run and
long-run significant asymmetric effects and long-run persistency in the
structure of stock price return volatility. The empirical results also show
that the use of symmetric and asymmetric loss functions and the statistical
test of Hansen (2005) are sound alternatives for evaluating the predictive
ability of the asymmetric CGARCH models. In addition, the inclusion of long-run
asymmetry and long-run persistency in the variance equation improves
significantly the out of sample volatility forecasts for emerging stock markets
of Argentina and Mexico.
Keywords: Asymmetric volatility, Emerging stock markets,
Symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, Superior predictive ability test.
JEL classification: C22, C32, C51, C52.
Este trabajo propone una extensión al
modelo CGARCH a fin de recoger las características de asimetría y persistencia
de largo plazo, e investiga sus efectos en el modelado y la predicción de la
volatilidad condicional de los mercados accionarios de la región de América
Latina en el periodo del 2 de enero de 1992 al 31 de diciembre de 2014. En el
análisis dentro de la muestra, los resultados estimados de la familia de
modelos CGARCH indican la presencia de efectos asimétricos significativos y la
persistencia de corto y largo plazos en la estructura de la volatilidad de los
rendimientos accionarios. Los resultados empíricos también muestran que el uso
de medidas simétricas y asimétricas y la prueba estadística de Hansen (2005)
son excelentes alternativas para evaluar el poder predictivo de los modelos
CGARCH asimétricos. La incorporación de la asimetría y de la persistencia de
largo plazo en la ecuación de la varianza mejora significativamente las
predicciones de la volatilidad fuera de la muestra para los mercados
accionarios emergentes de Argentina y México.
Palabras clave: Volatilidad asimétrica, Mercados accionarios
emergentes, Medidas de errores, simétricas y asimétricas, Prueba de poder
predictivo superior
Códigos JEL: C22, C32, C51, C52.
Received 03/07/2015
Accepted 04/12/2015
The new millennium has
witnessed the transformation and fast growth of the equity markets in the
emerging economies. In the context of globalization and financial integration,
the equity markets of Latin America have experienced astounding growth rates that
surpass those of advanced economies. This is largely due to the reforms
implemented by authorities in the region during the late eighties and early
nineties that contributed to the liberalization of the capital markets, which
favored the procurement of important foreign investment flows toward these
emerging markets and led to fundamental changes in their financial structures (
Bekaert & Harvey, 2003 ). Moreover, the
biggest presence of institutional investors for the administration of
retirement savings systems is by far another one of the essential factors that
explains the recent evolution of the equity markets in the Latin American
the recent international uncertainty generated by the global financial crisis
of the United States and the European sovereign debt crisis, have interrupted
the dynamic financial development in the equity markets with strong adjustments
to the low in the stock-exchange listings. The global nature of the recent
financial crises has been characterized by the lack of liquidity, increase in
the risk and high volatility, which has negatively affected the yields of the
participants of emerging equity markets with fragile economies and different
structural characteristics in their financial systems compared to the more
liquid and efficient structure of advanced countries.
periods of financial turbulence, the behavior of volatility tends to be more
persistent before reaching its lowest level. This typical phenomenon of
emerging equity markets is generally attributed to important macroeconomic
factors such as erratic fluctuations of the exchange rates, financial crises
and unbalances in the economic and political systems ( Abrugi, 2008; Caner & Onder, 2005; Ikoku, Chukwunonso,
& Okany, 2014 ). Thus, in long periods of
instability, the presence of new information has been considered by experts and
academics to be the main source of volatility and vulnerability in the
international financial markets in the last decades ( Engle, Ghysels, & Sohn, 2013 ; Vitor, 2015 ). Consequentially, the task of
understanding the natural behavior of volatility and its intensity in emerging
equity markets has become a challenge and a priority among academics, financial
institutions, individual and institutional investors, because when volatility
is defined as the main indicator of uncertainty, it transforms into a key
component in the decision-making process.
modeling and proper prediction of volatility is an important factor in the
selection and administration of conventional portfolios, for the simple fact
that the institutional investors and financial intermediates use it as a
parameter in the determination of the level of risk that they are willing to
accept at the time of the investment. While the management of risks and optimal
determination of capital reserves help estimate and resolve the losses of the
market positions of the financial institutions in the face of unexpected
changes in the risk factors. Also, the correct estimation of the structure of
volatility is fundamental in the implementation of valuation models for the
premiums of financial options, because the operators require the knowledge it
provides to monitor the dynamic of the underlying assets from the start of the
contract until its expiration. Finally, the reasonable prediction of volatility
could be of use as a thermometer of the degree of vulnerability and fragility
of the financial systems, and therefore, of the efficient assignation of the
capitals in equity markets that are highly volatile.
the publication of the seminal work of Engle
(1982) , the auto-regressive model of conditional heteroscedasticity and its
generalized extension by Bollerslev (1986) in the GARCH model have
been acknowledged in modern financial literature in order to explain the
characteristics of volatility in the financial series of high frequency
commonly known as volatility clustering,1 persistence and the
unquestionable excess of kurtosis. Even though there are several studies that
favor the performance of the GARCH models for the prediction of volatility ( Andersen and Bollerslev,
1998; Brailsford and Faff, 1996 ; McMillan & Speigth, 2004; McMillan, Speight, & Apgwilym,
2000 ), the empirical results are still not convincing
regarding the predictive power outside the sample. For the equity markets of
Tokyo and Singapore, Tse (1991) and Tse and Tung (1992) provide solid empiric
evidence against the performance of the GARCH models in the volatility
prediction outside the sample. Likewise, F iglewski (1997) states that the models
of mobile means report better predictions of volatility outside the sample.
Recent studies based on bicorrelation statistics (Hinch-Portmanteau)
show the inefficiency of the GARCH models to describe the statistic structure
of the equity markets of Latin America and Asia ( Bonilla & Sepúlveda,
2011; Lim, Melvin, Hinich, & Liew, 2005 ).
weakness of the GARCH model, which affects the estimation and prediction of
conditional volatility, refers to the asymmetry of the positive and negative
shocks of the same magnitude or leverage effect. Black (1976) was one of the first to discuss the problem of
asymmetry in volatility, by demonstrating that bad news intensify the levels of
volatility and good news reduce them. Since then several asymmetric volatility
models have been developed to collect the asymmetric impact of the recent
information on the market, among these models are: the GARCH exponential model
(EGARCH) by Nelson (1991) and the GARCH-GJR model
developed by Glosten, Jaganathan,
and Runkle (1993) .
study of asymmetric volatility in the equity markets of emerging economies is
still limited in literature when compared with industrialized countries, particularly
in the Latin American region. López (2004) evaluates the predictive
performance of a family of ARCH models, and found evidence that the EGARCH
model provides the best adjustment to explain the dynamic of the future
volatility of the yields of the Index of Prices and Listings of the Mexican
Stock Exchange under different measures of predictive errors, even though their
results do not have a strong statistical support. Alberg, Shalit,
and Yosef (2008) assume different distributions in the innovations of
the yields, and demonstrate that the asymmetric GARCH models present the best
prediction performance to collect the characteristics of the asymmetric
volatility and persistence in the equity market of Israel. To the equity
markets of Sudan and Turkey, Ahmed and Suliman (2011) and Gökbulut and Pekkaya
(2014) , they confirm a high degree of persistence in the process of variance
and the presence of leverage effects in the equity yields. In the phases of
relative tranquility regarding the equity market of Malaysia, Lim and Sek (2013) confirmed the
predictive power of the GARCH model; however, in periods of crisis, it is
surpassed by the asymmetric specifications.
For the
most part, the empirical evidence indicates that the GARCH asymmetrical models
are open, in theory, to the natural interpretation of the behavior of the
magnitude of the asymmetric effects and the persistence of shocks in the
temporary volatility. Nevertheless, recent investigations have broadly
documented that the emerging equity markets are more exposed to the
experimentation of extraordinary events such as exchange rate devaluations ( Chue & Cook, 2008; Walid, Chaker,
Masoud, & Fry, 2011 ); financial crises ( Llaudes, Salman, & Chivakul, 2010 ); stock market crashes and
speculation ( Brugger, 2010; Kwhaja and Mian, 2005 ); and political and
social changes ( Chen, Bin, & Chen,
2005 ). In this regard, the contagion effect of stock market crises of
mature markets to emerging equity markets is a key factor that triggers a
higher volatility and negative effects on these markets ( Tasdemir & Yalama, 2014 ). The duration of this type of
events does not only generate negative panic information among investors in
order to pressure investors to liquidate their portfolios, but also creates
abrupt changes in the structure of volatility in the short and long terms,
which reduces the capacity of the GARCH, EGARCH and GARCH-GJR models to collect
the asymmetry and the degree of persistence in the long-term.
From a
conditional auto-regressive heteroscedasticity, Engle
and Lee (1999) proposed the GARCH model of two components (CGARCH) to explore the
degree of persistence in the volatility structure; its main advantage is the
capacity to decompose conditional volatility in two components, temporary
(short-term) and permanent (long-term) in the presence of heterogeneous
rational operators or heterogeneous information. The permanent component,
modeled as the long-term process or tendency, represents the impact of
innovations generated by the expected changes in the economic fundaments, and
describes the behavior of the persistence in volatility in the long-term.
Conversely, the temporary component has the function of collecting the
fluctuations of random events or destabilizing shocks that the financial
markets frequently experience. That is, deviations in the balance level of the
volatility in the long-term. Even though Christoffersen, Jacobs, Ornthanalai,
and Wang (2008) have brought forth some concluding arguments regarding
the predictive power of the CGARCH specification to describe the dynamic of
volatility. However, there is still concern when forecasting the conditional
volatility outside the sample, because the standard specification completely
omits the impact of the asymmetry of informational shocks on the temporary and
permanent component of the variances.
main objective of this work is to spread the CGARCH model to explore the
importance of asymmetric information and the long-term persistence, and to
investigate its effect in the modeling and prediction of conditional
volatility. The study provides important contributions to the literature on the
topic. First of all, the CGARCH model is broadened to collect the effects of
asymmetry and persistency in the short and long terms under the EGARCH and
TGARCH processes. Second, the CGARCH asymmetric models are adjusted in order to
predict the volatility of the yields of the six more important emerging equity
markets of the Latin American region in the period from January 2nd, 1992, to
December 31st, 2014. Third, the performance outside the sample of the GARCH
standard models, and asymmetric CGARCH and CGARCH models is evaluated in the
period of 2010–2014 and under four measures of predictive errors through Hasen's (2005) superior predictive
ability test.
The empirical
results within the sample reveal that in the yields of the equity markets of
the Latin American region, asymmetry and persistence effects can be observed in
the volatility structure, particularly in Chile, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico.
These findings support the claims that negative shocks such as financial crises
and stock market crashes increase the short and long-term volatility. The
strong results of the superior predictive ability test support the predictive
power of the CGARCH asymmetric models to predict the volatility outside the
sample in the equity markets of Argentina and Mexico.
rest of the work is structured in the following manner: Two-component GARCH
models section summarizes the methodology that includes the CGARCH models,
symmetric and asymmetric, the measures of errors and the superior predictive
ability test for the evaluation of the volatility models. Application to the
Latin American Equity Markets section presents the description of the data and
summarizes the main findings that were obtained. Conclusions section comprises
the final conclusions.
Two-component GARCH models
In this section we
present an alternative approach for the capture of the common characteristics
of asymmetry and persistency, short and long-term, in the conditional
Standard GARCH model
The standard GARCH model (1,1) proposed by
Bollerslev (1986) in literature on volatility, is a
generalized alternative of Engle's
ARCH model (1982) . In this context, the model of the
conditional measure and the conditional variance is governed by:
where μ is the conditional measure, h t expresses the
conditional variance that depends on the last innovation of the square residues
εt−12 also known as the
ARCH effect and the previous conditional variance h t−1, ω is a deterministic term, and its function allows for the conditional
variance to reach a positive level as long as the level of persistence
determined by α + β is lower than 1. The term AR(1) or autoregressive of
the 1st order is aggregated to the equation of the conditional measure, given
that the present yields are highly correlated with the distant yields in time.
One of the deficiencies of the GARCH model
is that it does not allow differentiating the patterns of decline of the
persistence in short and long-term volatility, so that a model that is able to
capture the high persistence in volatility is recommended.
Two-component CGARCH model
and Lee (1999)
propose the CGARCH model as an alternative to capture the property of high
persistence in volatility of the financial yields. The approximation allows
decomposing the conditional volatility in two components and properly describes
the behavior of decline of the persistence in short and long-term volatility.
The specification of the CGARCH model
(1,1)2 is defined as
where h t indicates the short-term
volatility level that captures innovations, fed through exogenous events
related to economic, geopolitical and even speculative aspects, and which
fluctuate in a cyclical manner; q t represents the long-term
volatility or tendency, which converges at the level of the unconditional
volatility ω to the velocity of α+β<δ<1. The term εt−12−ht−1 works as the
dynamic power for the movements of the tendency and the difference between the
conditional variance and its tendency, ( h t−1 − q t−1 ) is the temporary
component that converges to zero at a velocity ( α + β).
The CGARCH model collects the effects of
short and long-term persistence, but its capacity is reduced before the
presence of asymmetric effects. Due to the fact that negative shocks have a
different impact on the volatility than positive shocks of the same magnitude,
not only in the short-term, but in the long-term as well.
Asymmetric CTGARCH model
The flexibility of the CGARCH model allows
for the capturing of asymmetric effects in the short and long-term, by only
adding asymmetry parameters to its econometric structure, i.e., using the
results of the TGARCH specification proposed by Glosten et al. (1993) . The asymmetric structure or CTGARCH
model captures the asymmetry effects in the following manner:
where the dummy variable
is governed by the Heaviside indicator function I (·), which is equal to
1 if ε t−1 < 0 and zero in any other
case. The asymmetry effect is observed if γ > 0 and ψ > 0, which indicates a
greater impact than bad news with values ( α + γ) and (ρ + ψ ) on residuals εt−12 in the short and long-terms and the effect of the optimistic news
is measured by α and ρ.
CEGARCH asymmetric models
Another extension of the CGARCH model for
the capture of asymmetric effects in the short and long-terms, is proposed in
this study under Nelson's EGARCH structure (1991) .
The CEGARCH model has the following form:
where the asymmetry
parameters γ and ψ are negative unlike the CTGARCH model, which indicates a greater impact
of the bad news in the short and long-term volatilities than the good news in
the same magnitude. The total effect in the short and long-term volatilities is
of (α−γ)εt−1 and (ρ−ψ)εt−1 if ε t−1 < 0 or (α + γ)|ε t−1| and (ρ + ψ)|ε t−1| when ε t−1 > 0
Evaluation of the predictive performance of the volatility models
In this section we describe the measures
of errors for the predictive performance evaluation of the volatility models.
In general, this process is carried out outside the sample because the
participants in the equity markets are more interested in the capacity of
reaction of the models when new information arrives to the market.
The predictive error measures are
classified in symmetric and asymmetric. Among the more common symmetric
measures are the mean squared error (MSE) and the mean absolute error, which
are defined in the following manner:
where T indicates the number of
predictions, h t is a proxy variable for
the no observable volatility, which is generally obtained from the square
yields, and hˆt is the estimated volatility through
the different GARCH specifications.
In an analytical study, Patton (2011) showed that these measures are
strong in order to minimize the predictive error. However, none of them provide
the additional information on the asymmetry in the errors; that is, when the
models underestimate or overestimate the no observable volatility.
According to Brailsford and Faff (1996) , the asymmetric error
measures give a different weight to the underestimated and overestimated
predictions of the volatility with a similar magnitude, and are defined in the
following manner:
where U and O represents the
underestimations and overestimations, and their sum indicates the total number of
predictions T.
Recent investigations on the prediction of
volatility outside the sample have empirically demonstrated the power of the
error measures in the generation of information regarding the evaluation of the
estimated models. However, one of the disadvantages of the measures is that,
unlike the contrast hypothesis tests, it does not allow for a strong analysis
in a statistical framework. This is due to the fact that it cannot be concluded
that the predictive performance between the two estimated models is
significantly different from a statistical point of view by only comparing
their predictive errors. In order to alleviate this problem, this work uses Hansen's (2005) superior
predictive ability test (SPA). This strong statistical test allows for the
evaluation of the performance of two or more estimated models, unlike the Diebold-Mariano (1995)
and White (2000)
statistical tests.
In this context, the predictive evaluation
of the models is carried out based on the measurements of errors, given that
the base model (best approximation) is chosen by the measurement with smallest
predictive error. The SPA statistic test consists in determining the model with
the best predictive performance. In the period t , the superior predictive performance of
the alternative model k in relation with the base model is
defined as:
where L 0,t is the prediction error
as determined in Eqs. (12), (13), (14) and (15) for the base model M 0 and L k,t is the prediction error
associated with each alternative model M k
Under the assumption that the vector d k,t is strictly stationary, the null
hypothesis of interest, that none of the alternative models reach a higher
predictive performance in relation to the base model, can be presented as:
Here, the use of the estimator μk≡Edk,t allows for the reduction of the impact of the
models with a weak predictive performance, but at the same time it controls the
impact of the alternative models with μ k = 0 as documented by Hansen (2005).
where 1⋅ is an indicator function. Furthermore, an
immediate result of the assumption of seasonality is that the selection of the
threshold 2log log n guarantees the consistency of the estimator μkc for a
sufficiently large n , even for the alternative models with μ k = 0.
Consequently, the statistic of the null
hypothesis is defined by:
where ωˆk2 is a
consistent estimator of ωk2≡limn→∞ Varnd¯k and d¯k=n−1∑t=1ndk,t.
For the estimation of ωk2≡limn→∞ Varnd¯k and the probability of the statistic TnSPA, Hansen
(2005) suggests the use of the stationary bootstrap procedure based
on Politis and Romano (1994) in order to obtain the
empirical distribution of the contrasting statistic under the null hypothesis,
defined by the following expression:
where b = 1, ..., B determines the number
of bootstrap samples of the vector d k,t for k = 1, ..., m and g d & # 1 7 5 ;
k & # 6 1;d¯k1nd¯k/ωˆk≥−2log log n. In order to obtain reliable results
that do not affect the current samples, B must be rather large.
The probability value of the SPA test is
calculated in two stages. First of all, the values of the statistic Tb,nSPA* are obtained for each of the bootstrap samples b = 1, ..., B, which is defined as:
where Z & # 1 7 5 ;
k & # 4 4 ; b & # 4 2 ; & # 6 1 ; n & # 8 7 2 2 ; 1
∑t=1nZk,b,t*, k=1,...,m
Finally, the values of the statistics TnSPA and Tb,nSPA* are compared
in order to obtain the bootstrap probability value, i.e.,
The null hypothesis is rejected when the
probabilities reach small values.
Application to the Latin American Equity Markets
and preliminary analysis of the data
Even if the equity markets of the emerging
countries are characterized by experiencing high volatility, effects of
asymmetry and an elevated degree of persistence, their study has been
concentrated in the temporal behavior of the characteristics common of
volatility, and therefore there is the need for a study on the long-term
effects of asymmetry and persistence on validity. This work investigates the
long-term effect of asymmetry and persistence in the prediction of conditional
volatility using the daily prices of the six most important equity markets of
the Latin American region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico.3
The analysis covers the period from January 2nd, 1992, to December 31st,
2014, with a sample of approximately 5951 daily yields. The price series of the
stock indexes were obtained from the Bloomberg database.
Table 1 shows the basic statistics of the stock
yields. Apparently, all of the stock indexes show properties very similar with
average positive yields, which is justified by the common tendency of the rise
of the stock prices during the period of analysis, as shown in Fig.
1 .
Nevertheless, the standard deviation of the yields is relatively high, which
implies a greater exposure to risks for the participants in these stock
markets, particularly in Argentina and Brazil.
Descriptive statistics for each daily
equity returns series.
Notes : The descriptive statistics of Latin
America equity market returns are expressed as percentages for the period from
2 January 1992 to 31 December 2014. The numbers in parentheses are p -values of Jarque–Bera, ARCH effect, and Ljung–Box
statistic tests of the return and squared return series.
Furthermore, there is the strong presence
of conditional heteroscedasticity or ARCH effects in all the series of the
financial yields, which is supported by the significance of the statistic of
the Lagrange Multiplier test with a level of 5%. This characteristic common in
the financial yields is widely supported by Fig.
2 ,
where one can appreciate strong evidence of validity in agglomerations. It can
also be observed that the volatility intensity is more persistent when the
prices of the stock indexes tend to decrease than when they increase.
In conclusion, the preliminary analysis of
the data recommends the use of GARCH processes of two components that manage to
capture the short and long-term effects of asymmetry and the phenomenon of
persistence in the innovations of the stock yields.
Estimation results of the volatility models
In this paper, the CGARCH model of Engle and Lee (1999) is
expanded in order to investigate if the characteristics of long-term asymmetry
and persistence exercise effects in the prediction of conditional volatility of
the yields of the equity markets of the Latin American region. The parameters
of the volatility models are estimated within sample using the period of study
from January 2nd, 1992, to December 31st, 2009, and assuming that the residuals
are independent and identically distributed under a normal distribution.
The results of the parameters estimated
under the four GARCH structures and their diagnostic tests on the simple and
squared standardized residuals are reported in Table 2 for the indexes of Argentina, Brazil
and Mexico and Table 3 for the indexes of Chile, Colombia and
Peru. The estimators of μ that correspond to the specification of
the conditional mean, are statistically significant at a level of 1%, except
for the asymmetric CGARCH models of the equity markets of Argentina and
Colombia. All the parameters ϕ of the autoregressive process of the 1st
order are positive and significant at a level of 1%. This fact implies that the
tendency in the changes of the stock prices is maintained in the same direction
in the following period.
Notes: Q(36) and Q2 (36)
denotes the Ljung–Box Q-statistics of order 36
computed on the standardized residuals and squared standardized residuals, respectively.
p -Values are reported in square brackets.
The numbers in parentheses are standard errors of the estimations.
*Denotes significance at the 1% level.
**Denotes significance at the 5% level.
***Denotes significance at the 10% level.
Notes : Q(36) and Q2(36) denotes the Ljung–Box Q-statistics of order 36 computed on the
standardized residuals and squared standardized residuals, respectively. p -Values are reported in square brakets. The numbers in parentheses are standard errors of
the estimations.
*Denotes significance at the 1% level.
**Denotes significance at the 5% level.
***Denotes significance at the 10% level.
Regarding the parameters of the process of
conditional variance, all the models successfully capture the dynamic patterns
of the short-term conditional volatility: its estimated parameters are positive
and statistically significant at the conventional levels, with the exception of
the CTGARCH model of the stock indices of Argentina and Mexico. The sum of the
parameters α and β less than the unit indicates a
considerable persistence in the volatility of the temporal component,
especially in the traditional GARCH model. In fact, it can be observed that the
persistence coefficients α + β reach values of 0.9655, 0.9770, 0.9772,
0.9787 and 0.9865 for Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Peru, respectively.
Although the results of the two component models based on the CGARCH and
CTGARCH specifications confirm the opposite. The estimations between 0.9555 and
0.9881 of the parameters δ , for the six equity markets of the Latin
American region, clearly reveal that the component of the long-term volatility
is more persistent and declines at a slower rhythm than the component of the
short-term volatility. This is attributed to the fact that the values of the
persistence coefficient are lower than the values of δ , e.g., 0.9266 versus 0.9874 for Chile
and 0.8521 versus 0.9881 for Peru for the CGARCH and CTGARCH models,
respectively. In contrast, the results of the CEGARCH model, in all the stock
indices, denote that the temporal component of volatility is the most
Considering the statistical significant
and the sign of the parameters of asymmetry that capture the impact of the news
in the short and long-terms associated with the financial crises, stock market
crashes and/or economic booms. The results under the CEGARCH model are mixed,
as effects of asymmetry in the short and long-term volatility can be observed
for the equity markets of Mexico and Peru, and only the long-term component of
volatility in the stock indices of Chile and Colombia. In the case of the
CTGARCH model, the positive and significant parameter at a level of 1%
indicates that there is only asymmetry in the response of temporal volatility
in the presence of financial crises and stock market crashes for all the
countries of the Latin American region. Consequently, the implementation of the
asymmetric CGARCH models is clearly justified by empirical results.
Finally, the diagnostic of the simple and
squared standardized residuals is reported at the end of Tables 2 and 3 . The results of the Ljung–Box tests indicate that the null hypothesis of the
absence of 36th order autocorrelation in the standardized residuals is
impossible to reject at a level of significance of 5%, which implies sufficient
evidence in favor of the correct specification of the conditional mean to
explain the behavior of the yields of the stock indices of Argentina and
Mexico. In the case of the squared standardized residuals, the insignificance
of the Ljung–Box statistics confirms the good
performance of the volatility models in correcting the 36th order
autocorrelation in the equation of the conditional variance of the financial
yields of Argentina and Mexico. These facts indicate that there is
statistically significant evidence of specification error in the GARCH, and the
symmetric and asymmetric CGARCH models in order to describe the
heteroscedasticity exhibited in these equity markets.
Evaluation outside the sample based on the test of superior
predictive ability
Notes : The values in bold face refer to the
highest p -values of superior predictive ability
test (SPA) under four criterions of the loss functions, i.e., MSE, MAE, MME(U),
MME(O). The null hypothesis is that none of the alternative models have best
performance than the benchmark model. The number of bootstrap replications to
calculate the p-values is 10 000.
In this section, the evaluation outside
the sample of the precision and efficiency of the GARCH, CGARCH, CEGARCH and
CTGARCH models is carried out in the period from January 4th, 2010, to December
31st, 2014. The parameters of the equation of conditional variance are
re-estimated using a mobile window of approximately 4957 observations, i.e.,
from January 2nd, 1992, to December 31st, 2009, which implies that the most
remote observation is removed and the most recent observation is added to the
sample. The prediction obtained is compared with the non-observable variance or
proxy in order to calculate the prediction error. The process is repeated until
obtaining the prediction of the conditional variance of December 31st, 2014,
for the equity market. Thus, the sample size is kept fixed during the
re-estimation of the volatility models and the predictions outside the sample
do not overlap.
Table 4 shows the results of the measurements of prediction
errors of MSE, MAE, MME(U), MMM(O) and the probabilities of the SPA statistic
test, which were estimated on a base of 10 000 stationary bootstrap samples of
the empirical test under the different measurements of predictive errors. In
this case, the highest probabilities reached by any base model indicate that
the null hypothesis that the predictive performance outside of the sample of
the alternative models is widely surpassed by the base model cannot be
rejected. The first column of the Table constitutes the name of the base model
that will be compared with the other three alternative models.
For the case of Argentina, Brazil and
Mexico, the CEGARCH and CTGARCH models allow for more exact volatility
predictions outside of the sample unlike the GARCH and CGARCH models under the
four measurements MSE, MAE, MME(U) and MME(O). These findings are supported by
the small values reached in the measurements of symmetric and asymmetric
errors. Therefore, the empirical results clearly suggest that the volatility of
the equity markets of Argentina, Brazil and Mexico respond in a different
manner to good and bad news, which in turn implies that the negative shocks in
these stock markets have a greater impact in the short-term, but limited
effects in the long-term.
For their part, the probabilities of the
SPA statistic test pointedly indicate that the CEGARCH model shows the best
predictive performance outside of the sample than the alternative models based
on the MSE, MAE and MME(O) models for the equity markets of Argentina and
Mexico. In the case of the MME(U), the CTGARCH model provides the highest
probability value of the SPA statistic test for all the predictions outside of
the sample considered. This empirical finding is attributed to the fact that
the asymmetric measurement MMM(U) penalizes the underestimated predictions of
volatility, which in this case represent approximately 73.42 and 77.28% of the
sample for Argentina and Mexico, respectively. Nevertheless, it is important to
note that the probability of the SPA statistic test of the CEGARCH model is
above the significance level of 5%, which means that it can still be considered
an excellent base model in predicting future volatility in the equity market of
Mexico, whereas in the case of the equity market of Argentina, model CGARCH is
available as a second alternative. This finding is justified by the
insignificance of the asymmetry parameter for both short and long-term.
The information generated by the
measurements of asymmetric errors is relevant for the coverage strategies with
contracts of options on stock indices, because there is a positive relation
between volatility and the prime of the option. In this sense, the high
percentage in the underestimated predictions of volatility can provide bias in
the primes of the options, which would directly benefit the institutional
investors who maintain long financial positions of replica portfolios on stock
indices, and that in an uncertain environment have the need to protect them
through put options, but at the same time harms option buyers.
On the other hand, the yields of the
equity markets of the Latin American region possess similar characteristics.
Nevertheless, the ability of the symmetric and asymmetric CGARCH models is not
enough to provide precise estimations of future volatility in the equity
markets of Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. By analyzing the statistical
results of Table 4 ,
one can observe that the CTGARCH model reaches the best predictive performance
in accordance with the small values of the measurements of symmetric and
asymmetric errors. However, the results of the SPA statistic test contradict
said empirical findings because the GARCH and CGARCH models provide the highest
probabilities under the MSE, MAE and MME(O) criteria, respectively. This is
attributed to the fact that none of the volatility models managed to eliminate
the autocorrelation observed in the simple and squared standardized residuals
in the equity market of Brazil, which leads to underestimate or overestimate
future volatility.4
In this investigation, the CGARCH model of
Engle and Lee (1999) was extended in order to investigate
whether the characteristics of long-term asymmetry and persistence have effects
in the prediction of conditional volatility of the yields of the equity markets
of the Latin American region. In the empirical analysis within the sample, the
logarithms of the daily stock yields from January 1992 to December 2009 were
used, whereas in the analysis of the evaluation outside of the sample, the
period between January 2010 and December 2014 was utilized. The empirical
evidence shows that in the volatility of the stock yields there are vestiges of
effects of long-term asymmetry in the cases of Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and
Peru; this means that the negative shocks will not only have a greater impact
in the component of short-term volatility, but also in their long-term
tendency. Likewise, it was found that the CGARCH and CTGARCH models allow a
flexible modeling of the asymptotic behavior of the yields in the equity
markets of the Latin American region, with important implications for the
measurement of the long-term persistence in the volatile structure. In the
framework of the test of superior predictive power, the statistical results
outside of the sample reveal that the CEGARCH model provides the best
performance to predict volatility than the alternative models, given that it is
accepted by 3 of the 4 measurements of errors, i.e., MSE, MAE and MME(O).
Whereas under the criteria of the asymmetric MME(U) measurement, the CTGARCH model
is the best option for the prediction of volatility in the equity markets of
Argentina and Mexico. Another important empirical finding that is worth noting
is that all the estimated models underestimate volatility in the considered
equity markets. These results have important financial implications for the
institutional investors with long and short positions, as the GARCH, and
symmetric and asymmetric CGARCH models tend to be more appreciated by option
sellers and less desirable by option buyers. The weak results derived from the
symmetric and asymmetric CGARCH models in the case of the equity markets of
Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru, leave an open agenda of future investigations
on the estimation of more complex models such as FIGARCH and FIEGARCH specifications
that allow for a complete understanding of the long-term persistence in
conditional volatility.
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Volatility clustering is indisputably one
of the most important characteristics in the financial markets because its
information is mainly generated by the participation of rational operators with
different investment horizons and by their strategic interaction.
For more detailed tecnical
explanation of the CGARCH model see, for example, Maheu (2005).
These stock indices have been included in
studies related with the equity markets of Latin America. Ultimately the
Venezuelan market is not included due to discontinuities and a lack of
reliability in its information.
Due to lack of space, the results of the
statistical SPA test are not reported in the case of the equity markets of
Chile, Colombia and Peru, but these are available for any clarification.
Furthermore, the results are inconsistent as is the case of the equity market
of Brazil.
Copyright © 2017 Universidad Nacional Autónoma
de México, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración.
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CONTADURÍA Y ADMINISTRACIÓN, año 70, 2025, es una publicación trimestral editada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México, a través de la División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración - UNAM, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México., Tel. (55) 56 22 84 57 y (55) 56 22 84 58 Ext. 144,, correo electrónico:, Editor responsable: José Alberto García Narváez, Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2016-071316434900-203, otorgada por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, ISSN 2448-8410, Responsable de la última actualización de este Número, División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración-UNAM, José Alberto García Narváez, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Cd., Mx., fecha de última modificación, 13 de enero de 2025.
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