Paper Research
Effect of information quality due accounting
regulatory changes: Applied case to Mexican real sector
Efecto en la
calidad de la información ante cambios en la normatividad contable: caso aplicado
al sector real mexicano
Héctor Horacio Garza Sánchez1*
Klender Aimer Cortez Alejandro1
Alma Berenice Méndez Sáenz1
Martha del Pilar Rodríguez García1
Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico
*Corresponding author: Héctor Horacio Garza Sánchez, email:
purpose of this paper is to examine whether changes in accounting standards
improve value relevance of financial information on listed companies in Mexico.
The research was conducted for the period 2000–2013 using a sample of 141
companies that report to the Mexican stock exchange using the methodology of
panel data. Our findings show that changes in local regulations (generally
accepted accounting principles) to internationally approved standards
(Financial Reporting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards)
increase the value relevance and therefore the quality of information. The
study shows that the accounting information with international Financial
Reporting Standards is more trustworthy for foreign and national investors.
Keywords: Quality of accounting information, Financial
Reporting Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, Accounting
JEL classification: B52, C45, K11, L24.
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar
si los cambios en las normativas contables mejoran la relevancia valorativa de
la información financiera en empresas cotizadas en México. La investigación se
realizó para el periodo de 2000 a 2013 utilizando una muestra de 141 empresas
que reportan a la bolsa mexicana de valores utilizando la metodología de datos
panel. Nuestros hallazgos muestran que los cambios de normativa locales
(principios contables generalmente aceptados) a normativas homologadas
internacionalmente (normas de información financiera y normas internacionales
de información financiera) aumentan la relevancia valorativa y, por
consiguiente, la calidad de la información. Este estudio muestra que la
información contable elaborada mediante las normas internacionales de
información financiera es más confiable para los inversionistas extranjeros y
Palabras clave: Calidad de la información contable, Normas de
información financiera, Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera,
Principios contables.
Códigos JEL: B52, C45, K11, L24.
Received: 17/03/2015
Accepted: 03/11/2015
The research done
regarding the quality of the accounting information is of interest to different
agents such as the institutions that issue standards, e.g., the FASB (Financial
Accounting Standards Board) or the IASB (International Accounting Standards
Board), financial intermediaries, regulatory bodies, researchers and academics,
and in general, to the users of financial statements for the making of
work contributes to the debate on whether the adoption of the accounting
standards adapted throughout the period of 2000 to 2013 are associated with the
improvement of the quality of accounting information. The objective of this
work is to analyze if the changes in the accounting standards improve the
evaluative relevance of the financial information in listed companies in
Mexico. We intend to show if the variables of accounting profit and book value
of the net worth are associated with the market value of the companies listed
in the Mexican Stock Exchange.
discoveries show that the changes from local standards (Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles) to internationally homologated standards (International
Financial Reporting Standards) increase the evaluative relevance and therefore
the quality of the information.
investigation is divided into five sections; the first one corresponds to the
review of the literature where the background of the accounting standards and
previous investigations are analyzed. In the second section we present the
theoretical framework where we explain definitions and measurements of the
accounting quality and of the IFRS (International Financial Reporting
Standards). In the third section we present the methodology where we explain the
sample, the models to be assessed and the hypotheses. Lastly, the fourth and
fifth sections correspond to the results and conclusions, respectively.
Review of the literature
Background of the accounting
Nair and Frank (1980) state that in Mexico,
the accounting practices and audits have been influenced by the generally
accepted principles in the United States of America, with an approach oriented
toward the establishment of rules more than standards, however, the Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS) have some influence depending on their context of
implementation ( Schipper, 2003).
principles specify a guide but require more judgment in their implementation;
in turn, the rules contemplate more requirements but leave less room for
discretion ( Barth, Landsman, Lang,
& Williams, 2007 ). Regarding the Financial Reporting Standards (FRS),
these were adapted to the IFRS, with a more rule-oriented approach.
accounting activity in Mexico was first regulated by the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos (IMCP),
officially recognized in 1977 and in charge of issuing the accounting standards
in Mexico, in bulletins and newsletters of the GAAP. The IMCP created the Patronato para la Investigación y Desarrollo de Normas de Información Financiera ,
which later evolved to the Consejo Mexicano para la Investigación y Desarrollo de Información Financiera ,
A.C. (CINIF), formed in 2001 by leading entities of the public and private
sectors. It was not until 2004, under the influence of the global trend and
with the essential objective of moving forward to a greater convergence with
the financial information standards at an international level, when it assumed
the role and responsibility to issue the accounting standards in Mexico, called
the Financial Reporting Standards (FRS).
Mexico, the Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV), looking to have a balanced
development of the financial system and considering the evolution of global
markets, has indicated the importance of having a unique set of accounting
standards at an international level in order to ensure that the financial
information of the entities listed in said markets is determined by the same
bases and can be used and compared in any other part of the world. Therefore,
it decided to proceed to adapt the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) issued by the CINIF.
In 2009,
the CNBV modified its strategy by deciding to directly adopt the international
standards for the exercises that start in 2012; in this sense, it indicates
that the issuing entities will have the obligation to elaborate and divulge
their financial information based on the IFRS, and the financial statements of
issuing entities, trust founders or foreign guarantors, shall be elaborated
according to some of the following options: first of all, based on the IFRS
that the IASB issues; secondly, based on US-GAAPs, having to incorporate in the
corresponding complimentary notes an explicative document on the relevant
differences between the accounting standards and the methods used to elaborate
their financial statements. However, even though the mandatory date is January
1st, 2012, the issuing entities can adopt them in advance for the exercises of
2008 and 2011.
Due to
the foregoing, we can stress that there are three important periods in the
implementation of the accounting standards: (1) GAAP until 2005, (2) FRS
2006–2011 and IFRS 2012 to the third quarter of 2013. With these periods, we
will analyze the effect that each one of them has on the evaluative relevance
and in this same way, on the quality of the accounting information.
Previous investigations
The importance of
determining the effects of the incorporation of the IFRS complies with the fact
that the fundamental information of the company is of quality for the users of
financial information. There have been a great number of investigations on the
effect that the accounting quality has on the variables of prices and
profitability, which have not produced a consensus production, since certain
studies ( Barth, Landsman, & Lang,
2008; Bartov, Goldberg, & Kim, 2005; Bilgic & İbis, 2013; Dorantes,
2013; Kargın, 2013; Mohan & John, 2011; Standifird & Weinstein, 2002 ) found quality in the
financial information, while in other studies there are mixed results. This
means that they find quality in utilities but not in capital like in Agostino, Drago, and Silipo
(2011) and Jarva and Lantto (2012) . Whereas other studies do not
find a relation between the accounting variables and the market value ( Davis-Friday & Rivera, 2000; Hung & Subramanyam, 2007; Morais & Curto, 2008; Tsalavoutas, André,
& Evans, 2010 ).
studies determine the evaluative relevance by dividing the sample into periods
and post-adoption of the IFRS. These analyze the changes of the importance and
the slopes of the variables of the profits and the carrying value. Similarly,
they mention that if the R 2 increases after the adoption, then there is
relevance. Among the most important of this type of studies are the
investigations of Bartov et al. (2005) and Barth et al. (2008).
In a
study of companies from 21 countries that adopted the IFRS carried out by Barth et al. (2008) , they concluded that the
companies that report a low IFRS have a significantly higher R 2 and exhibit a high
association of the accounting figures with the stock price and the stock
exchange profitability. The same finding is presented in Morais and Curto (2008) , proving that in Europe the
listed companies present more evaluative relevance when adopting the IFRS.
However, their data include the period of 2000–2005 and does not distinguish
between the voluntary and obligatory adoption of the IFRS. In Germany, Bartov et al. (2005) demonstrate that the
utility slopes based on IFRS have a higher evaluative relevance than the
utility slopes based on the German standard.
emerging markets such as Warsaw, Budapest and Prague, Standifird and Weinstein (2002) concluded that the
companies could improve their legitimacy with the adoption to the international
accounting standard. For the Mexican market, Dorantes (2013) examines the relevance
of the accounting principles demonstrating that there is an evaluative
relevance of the accounting principles.
India, Mohan and John (2011) examined the evaluative
relevance of information and found that the carrying value per stock and
earnings per stock have a positive statistical relation with the stock price.
Using this same methodology, Kargın (2013) and Bilgic and İbis (2013) found that the carrying
value is decisive for the stock price and the market value in Istanbul. Rawashdeh (2003) for the market of
Jordan found a significant impact on the stock price after the change in the
accounting standard, which provides a greater evaluative relevance to the
market, showing more significant results in the smaller companies.
On the
other hand, there are studies with mixed results, as there is relevance in the
income but not in the capital. Agostino
et al. (2011) , in their study for 15 European banks, found that the marginal effect
(relevance value) of the income increased for the entire sample while the same
does not happen with the variable of the capital, the effect of which is
negative when introducing the international standard. It also includes a dummy
variable that determines that it must be zero when the IFRS is not obligatory
and 1 when it is.
Jarva and Lantto (2012) found that, for companies listed
in Finland, the earnings under IFRS have a greater effect on the market value
of the company than under local standards. Thus they conclude that the carrying
value measured under the IFRS does not have a greater evaluative relevance than
those companies that reported under a local standard and therefore are not of
higher quality. This could be due to the explicative capacity of the income,
which is an accounting measure of the profitability that measures the
capability of a company to make future payments of dividends ( Morais & Curto, 2008).
in some investigations we found that the FRS have not affected the quality of
the information, Tsalavoutas et al. (2010) concluded that they
could not find any significant changes in the evaluative relevance of the
carrying value of the capital and of the results of these two periods, in an
environment with a weak corporate government such as the Greek market. Hung and Subramanyam (2007) found very little
evidence that the IFRS improve the evaluative relevance in the carrying value
and in the net result. Davis-Friday and
Rivera (2000) state that the reconciliation of accounting information under local
standards with the American ones does not have a significant impact on the
stock price.
Morais and Curto (2008) conclude, for a sample of Portuguese
companies, that by changing the periods of adoption from local Portuguese
standards to international standards, it does not improve the effect on the
stock price of the earnings per stock or the carrying value of the stock.
Similarly, they found that the R 2 decreases in the implementation period of the IFRS.
findings are contradictory to the previous literature, which shows that the
adoption of the IFRS improves the relevance of the value. However, these
results may be justified, as the political and economic influences on the
presentation practices of financial reports of the country ( Ball, 2006 ) could affect their transparency
as well as the effects of the standards in the quality of the information.
The aforementioned
investigations are based on the EMH (efficient-market hypothesis) which states
that the markets react rationally to the arrival of new information and the
prices vary as it is being received. There are three forms of efficiency in
prices as Fama (1970) points out: weak,
strong, and semi-strong. In this investigation we undertake the last, which
assumes that today's prices reflect all the accessible public information such
a dividends, fiscal and financial information, news and information on the
status of the economy.
Theoretical framework
Quality of the accounting information
The accounting
information is used to understand the economic reality of the company in order to
make adequate decisions, so that it should be defined through the quality of
the same ( Dumitru, 2011 ). Said quality of the
accounting information has been receiving greater attention due to the recent
accounting scandals. However, despite the increasing importance given to this
issue, the quality of accounting remains a vague term which is difficult to
define ( Bartov et al., 2005; Hribar, Kravel, & Wilson,
2014 ).
are a great number of definitions regarding the concept of the quality of
accounting information, from a quantitative approximation the following works
stand out: Penamn and Zhang (2002), Dechow and Schrand (2004) and Dechow, Ge, and Schrand
(2010) , who define high quality through the predictive effect of the
accounting income on the future valuation of the company. On the other hand, Barth et al. (2008) state that there is quality in the
result when the accounting information is less manipulated, a more opportune
acknowledgment of the losses is present, and an increase in the predictive
capability is given by the regression between the fundamental and market variables.
Dechow et al. (2010) mention that there is
no measure of quality for all decision models. Other authors such as Ball, Robin, and Wu (2003) , Ball and Shivakumar (2005) and Burgstahler, Hail, and Leuz (2006) state that the quality of the
accounting information varies according to increase in the number of users that
have access to privileged information, as this is how the asymmetry of the
information is resolved in private companies.
the lack of a clear definition of the accounting quality, several studies use
measures that are considered substitutes of accounting quality, for example,
the administration of profits, the opportune acknowledgment of losses and the
evaluative relevance ( Barth et al., 2008 ). In our research, we
considered the evaluative relevance to measure the quality of the information
as in Francis, LaFond,
Olsson, and Schipper (2004) and Agostino et al. (2011) . The investigation in
evaluative relevance has been fundamentally carried out in developed countries.
However, there is a lack of evidence in developing countries, like in Latin
America and Mexico.
International Financial Reporting Standards
The IFRS are accounting standards issued
by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (IASB), an independent organization
with headquarters in London, United Kingdom. They pretend to be a set of rules
that, ideally, would be applied in the same manner to the financial reports by
the public companies of the world. Between 1973 and 2000, the international
standards were issued by the organization that preceded the IASB, the
International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). This organization was
created in 1973 by professional associations of accountants in Australia,
Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and
Ireland, and the United States. During this period, the rules of the IASC were
described as “International Accounting Standards” (IAS).
Since April 2001, this task of elaborating
the standards has been undertaken by a reconstructed IASB. The IASB describes
its rules under the new label: “International Financial Reporting Standards”
(IFRS), even though it continues to acknowledge (accept as rightful) the
previous standards (IAS) issued by the former regulatory organization (IASC),
the IASB is better financed, has better personnel and is more independent than
its predecessor.
For Ball
there are three advantages to the adoption of the IFRS, firstly they produce
economies of scale, given that they are only invented once, they would be a
type of public asset, and the marginal cost of their implementation to a new
company is zero. The second advantage is that they protect auditors from the
manipulation of information by the administrators; and the third advantage is
that they allow comparing information between different countries. This third
comparability advantage facilitates the cross-border investment and the
integration of the capital market ( Aggarwal,
Klapper, & Wysocki,
2005 ).
In the last decade there has been an
increasing interest on how the corporate reports are able to mitigate agency
problems and the lack of information. The literature ( Armstrong,
Barth, & Riedl, 2010; Ball et al., 2003; Rawashdeh, 2003 ) has attempted to give an answer to
issues such as whether international standards produce relevant or quality
information for the investors and interested parties. Regarding this issue, for
Barth et al. (2008) the IFRS are higher quality standards
than the national ones, which could prove to have a “reputational effect” on
the companies that voluntarily adopt them.
Although, there could be differences in
the implementation of IFRS derived from transparency and enforceability issues.
Daske, Hail, Leuz, and Verdi (2007) found that the economic effects of the
adoption of the IFRS depend on having a serious commitment to transparency.
Similarly, Daske, Hail, Leuz, and Verdi (2008) concluded that the effects of the capital
market in the face of the changes implemented by the IFRS when they are
obligatory only present themselves in countries with strict regimes and where
the institutional environment provides strong incentives for the companies to
be transparent. It would be expected that the standard changes have a greater
positive effect on developed markets.
The sample is comprised
by 141 issuing companies of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) during the period
of 2000–2013, considering only the real sector. For the purpose of this study,
we have consulted the Economática
database in order to obtain the quarterly series of accounting and market
In this
research we intend to determine whether the fundamental accounting variables
have evaluative relevance and, consequently, financial standing in the stock
market in Mexico. First of all, we would like to know if there is financial
standing in the Mexican market during the study period (2000–2013). To this
end, based on the studies of Mohan and John (2011) and Dorantes (2013) we shall determine the
significance in EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes) and of Equity (Equity
of the Company). The hypotheses would be as follows:
the fundamental variables (EBIT and Equity) have an impact in the
capitalization of the company.
addition, we determined if the IFRS, measured as a dichotomous variable, has an
impact on capitalization as determined by Agostino
et al. (2011) and Cameran, Campa,
and Pettinicchio (2014) in their study. Thus,
our second hypothesis would be as follows:
Ha2: the
effect of the IFRS is greater than that of the GAAP and the effect of the FRS
is greater than that of the GAAP.
On the
other hand, in order to be more conclusive with our results we divided our
sample in pre- and post-adoption of the IFRS as with Bartov et al. (2005) and Barth et al. (2008) . Furthermore, we shall
demonstrate if increases in the R 2 exist, and in order to prove this, our third and
fourth hypotheses would be as follows:
Ha3: The
EBIT (Earnings before interest and taxes) and the Equity increase their
significance and value by changing the study periods of GAAP to FRS and to
The R 2 increases after moving from a period of local
standards (GAAP and FRS) to a period of international standards (IFRS).
order to prove the first two hypotheses, we used the full study period, i.e.,
from 2000 to 2013, and for the third and four hypotheses we identified three
periods: (1) GAAP from 2000 to 2005; (2) FRS from 2006 to 2011; and, (3) IFRS
from 2012 to the third quarter of 2013. For the latter case the dummy variables
were eliminated.
order to prove the first case, meaning the entirety of the sample, we estimated
the model of Eq. (1).
Cap it = Market value1 of company i of period t deflated with the assets of the period (add
Equity it = Net Worth of the Company i at the moment (add formula) deflated
with the assets of the period (add formula).
EBIT it = Earnings before interest and taxes of company i at moment t deflated with the assets of the period (add
Rot_Assets it = Total sales between
the total assets of the company (add formula) in the period (add formula).
Size it = Natural logarithm of the assets of a company
(add formula) in the period (add formula).
Rot_Debt it = Yearly rate of
change of the total liability of the company (add formula) for the period (add
formula) with regard to the period (add formula) using the first logarithmic
Growth t = Yearly rate of change of the sales of the
company (add formula) of the period (add formula) with regard to the period (add
formula) using the first logarithmic differences.
FRS t = Dichotomous variable that takes a value of 1 if
the financial statements of the company (add formula) are prepared in the
period (add formula) with standards adapted to the FRS or a value of 0 otherwise.
IFRS t = Dichotomous variable that takes a value of 1 if
the financial statements of company i are prepared in period t with standards adapted to the FRS or a
value of 0 otherwise.
the studies of Kargın (2013), Bilgic and İbis (2013), Agostino et al. (2011) and Kothari and Zimmerman (1995) , we considered
capitalization as a dependent variable. For the independent variables we
selected fundamental accounting variables EBIT and Equity ( Dechow & Schrand, 2004; Dechow et al.,
2010; Ohlson, 1995 ). For the efficiency
variable, following Lang, Smith Raedy, and Wilson (2006) , we incorporated the
variable of asset rotation, which is measured through the annual change of
control variables we considered the size of the company determined by the
natural logarithm of the total assets following Watts
(2003), Francis et al. (2004), Ball and Shivakumar (2005) and Khan and Watts (2009) . On the other hand, we
included debt rotation measured through the variance of the liability ( Ahmed, Neel, & Wang, 2013; Barth et al., 2008;
Chen, Tang, Jiang, & Lin, 2010; Lang et al., 2006; Nikolaev,
2010; Paananen & Lin, 2009 ).
We controlled
the anticipated effect of future results in the growth of the companies through
the growth variable measured through the rate of change of sales. In this
sense, Khan and Watts (2009) sustain that companies
with high growth show more volatility in stock performance, are more prone to
having large losses, and thus they assert that there is a positive relation
between this variable and the stock price. As with our fundamental variables,
we hope that the control variables have a greater relation with the market
variable insofar as it improves the quality of the information.
On the
other hand, we considered all the sample periods in order to generalize the
results, and incorporated two dichotomous variables, the first (FRS) takes a
value of 1 if the financial statements are prepared with standards adapted to
the FRS or a value of 0 otherwise, and the second variable (IFRS), which takes
a value of 1 if the financial statements are prepared with standards adapted to
the IFRS or a value of 0 otherwise.
Due to
the fact that the accounting standards for the case of Mexico have been
approved toward an international context, we intend to prove if the evaluative relevance
improves with the course of time, for which we estimated three models divided
through the implementation of the different standards that have been
implemented in Mexico, having identified three periods: (1) GAAP from 2000 to
2005; (2) FRS from 2006 to 2011; and (3) IFRS from 2012 to the third quarter of
2013. The proposed model is presented through the following equation:
We will
contrast our hypotheses using the panel data methodology with the help of the Eviews software for panel data. Due to the heterogeneity of
our observations with regard to the companies, we assumed a heteroscedastic presence
in this sense and therefore we employed generalized least squares. Likewise, in
order to prove the accounting relevance, we considered if the R 2 statistic increases
with the passage of time.
Considering the 2000–2013 study period for
141 units, the correlation was calculated between independent variables in
order to detect a possible multicollinearity between said variables. The values
are relatively small indicating a low correlation between the variables, that
is, there are no signs of multicollinearity ( Table
shows the results of the analysis of the panel data model,2 as can be observed all the
fundamental variables of the model are positive and significant with a 95%
reliability,3 with which we prove the first hypothesis. Regarding
the dichotomous variables, we found that they are statistically significant,
thus confirming that there is an increase in the relevance of the accounting
information when changing the standards.
Regarding the impact of the implementation
of the FRS vs IFRS we find that the coefficient of the IFRS is of 41.3 when
compared with that of the GAAP. On the other hand, the coefficient of the FRS
is 28.8 greater than that of the GAAP.4 In general terms, given
this finding, it can be understood that the IFRS have a greater impact than the
FRS considering the estimated coefficient for these variables in the model and
in turn these two have a greater impact than the GAAP. These results show the
importance of the market to the implementation of approved standards in an
international context.
Our results are consistent with Rawashdeh (2003), Bartov et al. (2005) and Barth
et al. (2008) ,
who find that with higher quality standards the evaluative relevance of the
accounting information increases, and contrary to Hung
and Subramanyam (2007) and Tsalavoutas et al. (2010) . We can argue that, based on the
results, the public companies in Mexico have benefited with a greater
reputation by changing from local to international standards. The effects in
the capital market would be a greater capital of foreign investors who look for
companies that reveal financial information based on international standards,
thus mitigating the problems of transparency and lack of information.
In order to validate the third and fourth
hypothesis we considered the model of Eq. (2) for each of the periods in order to
analyze each one of them separately. The studies by Rawashdeh (2003) and Agostino
et al. (2011)
suggest dividing the sample in various periods considering the change of
standard; if there is growth in the coefficients of the fundamental values such
as EBIT and Equity, then the impact of the change of standard is proven given
that, in principle, it would be improving the relevance of the accounting
information; if, in addition, the R 2
increases, it would further support the hypothesis that the relevance improves.
The results are shown in Table
3 .
The fundamental accounting variables, Equity and EBIT, are positive and
significant considering a 95% reliability in the three periods. Regarding the
control variables, they are all significant with 90% and 95% of importance,
except for the variable stock rotation for the period of the FRS, much like the
findings of Paananen and Lin (2009) , who find no evidence in this variable.
Therefore, we obtain evidence that the investors value the information
contained in the financial statements in Mexico. Our results are consistent
with Bartov et al. (2005) and Barth
et al. (2008).
The results also show that the evaluative
relevance also increases with the adoption of the FRS. This is due to the fact
that when passing from the period of the GAAP to the FRS, the R 2 has
an increase of 14%, which indicates an improvement in the evaluative relevance.
Regarding the impact of the fundamental variables, we can observe that only 50%
of the estimated coefficients increased during these two periods, however, the
two fundamental variables (EBIT and Equity) increased. This tells us that the
quality of the information improves, which in turn improves the predictive
ability of the fundamental variables ( Barth
et al., 2008 )
and thus decreases the asymmetry problems of the information ( Ball
& Shivakumar, 2005; Ball et al., 2003; Burgstahler et al., 2006 ).
In the case of the change of the FRS to
the IFRS we find that the R 2 also
increases, but with a greater growth of 44%. This suggests that the adoption of
international standards betters the quality of the accounting information.
However, the analysis period considered in the IFRS is small in contrast with
that of the FRS, thus, a new model was implemented in the case of the FRS
taking into account only the impact on the adoption, i.e., only the first 7
quarters in order to be comparable. The results are shown in Table
If we only consider the first 7 quarters,
the R 2
increased in the period of the FRS; though even then, the R 2 in
the IFRS model was greater, i.e., the initial impact of the IFRS was greater
than that of the FRS with regard to the quality of the accounting information.
Regarding the impact of the two fundamental variables, Equity increased whereas
EBIT decreased; though this decline was of only 17%, it could perhaps be
explained with the external financial environment given that during the first
seven quarters of the period of the FRS the results of the companies did not
reflect the international financial crisis of 2008 and the economic situation
in Europe in the subsequent periods. In this regard, Davis-Friday
and Gordon (2002) note that the Equity maintains its significance
and explicative power during the crisis, and that the EBIT stops providing
informative content, which is attributed to the presence of negative results.
The market carries out
its assessments differently depending on the standard implemented in its
development. We determined the quality of the accounting standard measured
through an increment in the evaluative relevance of the financial information.
In this sense, the reliability in the accounting standards has increased since
2006, year in which the Generally Accepted Principles stopped being used and
were adapted to the International Financial Reporting Standards creating the
Financial Reporting Standards (FRS).
study offers important contributions for the Mexican market. First of all,
foreign and national investors have certain skepticism regarding the
transparency of the companies when divulging their accounting information and
of the institutions responsible of monitoring the adoption of the accounting
regulations ( Dorantes, 2013 ). In this sense, our
results show that the coefficients of the fundamental and control variables are
significant, furthermore, the two dichotomous variables (FRS and IFRS) are also
significant and positive, with the coefficient of the IFRS variable being
greater than the coefficient of the FRS. This shows that the changes in the
accounting standards have an impact on the quality of the information during
the study period of 2000–2013, with the period of the IFRS having the greater
relevance than that of the FRS. With these results, some tranquility can be
provided to the investors with regard to our institutions and the transparency
of our companies.
of all, with the purpose of demonstrating a greater importance in our results
and valuing the adaptation of the FRS and IFRS, we opted to cut the period in
these two cases with the purpose of finding the effect in the 7 quarters after
the adoption of each of these standards. Our results show that the change with
greater impact in the evaluative relevance is produced when the IFRS are
adapted, having been measured through the increase in the coefficients of the
fundamental variables and the predictive capability of the model ( R 2 ), which shows that the
work of the CINIF has been effective; our results are similar to those obtained
by Bartov et al. (2005) and Barth et al. (2008).
of all, regarding the advantages of the incorporation of the IFRS based on Ball (2006) and which were able to be
transferred to the Mexican market on the basis of our findings, it could be
that the investors could enjoy of more precise, complete and timely information
that allows them to have less information asymmetry and thus decrease the
problems of risk. Furthermore, the incorporation of the IFRS improved the
processing of information, which betters the efficiency in the markets and the
reflection of the accounting information on the stock prices. It also reduces
the international comparability differences, which could eliminate barriers in
acquisitions and divestments, compensating investors with an increase in the
acquisition premiums.
the IFRS allow for greater quality accounting information, which improves
transparency and the corporative government. Due to the fact that the IFRS are
based on regulations ( Barth et al., 2007 ), the
administrators are more controlled in the manipulation of information and thus
could present less agency problems, all for the benefit of the stockholders.
Finally, the recognition of losses in an opportune manner results in the
administrators being able to have information faster regarding the investments
that are generating losses and thus navigate to investments that generate
positive VPNs ( Ball & Shivakumar, 2005).
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set of accounting standards accepted in the capital markets at an international
level in order to make sustainable the transparency made possible by both the
FRS and the IFRS. We can thus conclude two things, on the one hand, investors
can reliably consider accounting information as an investment criterion, on the
other, company administrators must become aware that the fundamental variables
of the companies can benefit or harm the market performance of the same, and thus
it is necessary that companies have a sustainable financial performance.
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1 In order to calculate the market value, the stock price
is multiplied by the number of stock in circulation for each issuer.
2 The White period standard errors & covariance
correction was utilized, this is a tool designed to fix the serial correlation
and the variations in the time of the errors, which are common in panel data.
3 Model estimations with fixed and random effects were
considered, with fixed effects in cross section units being the most
appropriate under the Hausmann test. However, the
results were not overly different from those presented in this article and the
control variations, size and Rot_Assets, were not
significant, and therefore it was opted to consider the panel data model
considering panel data with the correction of weights in a cross section.
4 This result was validated by implementing the Wald
test taking into consideration the following hypothesis Ho: B(IFRS) − B(FRS) = 0, which was rejected.
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CONTADURÍA Y ADMINISTRACIÓN, año 70, 2025, es una publicación trimestral editada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México, a través de la División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración - UNAM, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México., Tels. (55) 56 22 84 57, (55) 56 22 84 58 Ext. 144 y (55) 56 22 84 94,, correo electrónico:, Editor responsable: José Alberto García Narváez, Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2016-071316434900-203, otorgada por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, ISSN 2448-8410, Responsable de la última actualización de este Número, División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración-UNAM, José Alberto García Narváez, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Cd., Mx., fecha de última modificación, 29 de enero de 2025.
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