Does the disclosure of the company's environment, social, governance score affect of sustainable growth rate that is reinforced by a collectivist culture?
This study intends to give empirical evidence of the effect of environmental, social, and governance performance via Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosure controlled by a collectivist culture. The research population is a corporation in Asia. Purposive sampling was utilized to obtain the number of samples; given the conditions set, a sample of 97 companies in Asia was obtained with an observation period ranging from 2017 to 2021, yielding a total of 485 observation data. The warpPLS approach was used to examine the data. The observations revealed that environmental performance, social performance, and governance performance all had an impact on ESG disclosure, and that ESG disclosure, which was bolstered by collectivism culture, had an impact on SGR. The study's implications reveal that SGR is very essential because it pertains to the strategy adopted by businesses to attain sustainable growth. As a result, businesses must pay attention to SGR and the factors that drive it. Furthermore, the findings of this study can help regulators develop policies to promote business sustainability practices in Asia.
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CONTADURÍA Y ADMINISTRACIÓN, año 70, 2025, es una publicación trimestral editada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México, a través de la División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración - UNAM, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Ciudad de México., Tels. (55) 56 22 84 57, (55) 56 22 84 58 Ext. 144 y (55) 56 22 84 94,, correo electrónico:, Editor responsable: José Alberto García Narváez, Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo No. 04-2016-071316434900-203, otorgada por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor, ISSN 2448-8410, Responsable de la última actualización de este Número, División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración-UNAM, José Alberto García Narváez, Circuito Exterior, s/n, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, México, Cd., Mx., fecha de última modificación, 29 de enero de 2025.
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Contaduría y Administración by División de Investigación de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento- 4.0 Internacional.
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ISSN: 0186-1042 (Print) 2448-8410 (Online)